
The Book of Enoch: The 1st human book, a message from the spirit world

I read the Book of Enoch when I was just to join UC. It comfirmed that the fall is sexual, the angels commited sexual mususe and mislead people against true love, into false-free sex (material, individualism, selfishness and wars). Most important, it explained how out of the human lineage, Messiah will be born, to establish God's lineage, by having numerous descendants. It mentions the possibility for Jesus (Second Adam) to be killed, so in such case that will be fulfiled by the Lord of the Second Comming (as Bible calls it, the "Third Adam").
the Book of Enoch
The Book of Enoch
The first human book was a direct message from the spirit world and the base for all further Biblical concepts
Prophetic Studies / by Yulian UTS
the book of Enoch Enoch Bible first book of Enoch the book of Enoch Enoch Bible first book of Enoch

Bible quotes numerous times from the Book of Enoch. Enoch describes the evil culture from before the Flood, developed by the Fallen Angels, pretending to be our 'gods' and teaching humanity to wars, selfishness, free-sex and homosexuality. 

The Book of Enoch is the oldest book according to Archaeologists. And having in mind that it's quoted numerous times in the Bible, we have to take it seriously. Especially now, when Archaeological artifacts confirm many of it's claims. 

Society Controlled by "The Fallen Giants"

Geneses 6, talks of the sexual relationships between fallen angels and women, producing 'the famous GIANTS', from the pre-flood age. Sumerian texts reveal that each village was controlled by these very tall 'false gods'. It was a form of totalitarian, feudalistic system, where all had to serve these tall Kings. Enoch explains that even now, from the spirit world, they are the evil demons controlling humanity towards Satan's will.

So YES, Extraterrestrials exist. People called them Angels. And true, they are of other dimension - spiritual. And yes, the Fallen Angels dominated us - that was the Fall. And yes, secret service tried to impose the idea of UFO to hide their secret projects. There were probably several civilizations that self destroyed themselves, once they reached too much external knowledge, without the internal-spiritual growth.

Only teeth and bones are found
In our days we have archaeological findings of such giants with extreme stature (over 2 meters tall). Old Sumerian tablets describe these false gods, who ruled them, were very tall, and had flying and communication technologies, which they kept only for themselves, thus controlling humanity as their slaves. (read)

About 25 to 12,000 years ago they had quiet developed Sodom-like Atlanta civilization (Controlled by the Fallen Angels). It was destroyed by the Flood, around 10,000 years ago, together with most of their knowledge transmitted by these false 'gods'. In fact, Enoch was sent by God, to tell them of their destruction, and that they will no longer be allowed to directly appear on earth. 

The Sexual Sin of The Fallen Angels

Thus many of the writings of Enoch find their historic confirmation. Same like Enoch explains, Jude 1:7 confirms that the sin of the fallen angels was sexual, 

"And the angels who did not keep their own position as Sodom and Gomorrah (Homosexuality and pedophilia). in like manner with these given themselves over to fornication and gone after strange flesh."

More then 200 ancient cities were found sunken under waters all over the planet. Which proves that the Flood was a real world event, bringing the end of the previous morally corrupted civilization, Enoch spoke about. The artifacts show that it was in fact an interracial civilization with high technology.  

Enoch explains what was the problem with that civilization. The Fallen Angels taught them free sex, homosexuality and technologies unknown even today.  But the increasing selfishness and corruption only brought them to self-destruction, Enoch explains. Only when humanity learns to live in peace and righteousness, overcoming our selfishness and greed, we will be allowed to use this high knowledge and develop amazing technology. 

That's why the predicted Messiah (Second Coming) will not only bring peace, but put an end to the sexual immorality, by elevating the standard of true families. Once the Culture of Heart is engraved in the human hearts, technology will quickly develop the highest level of comfortable life. 

Spiritual Message is the base of the Bible

Enoch is the first man mentioned in the Bible, who was taken to higher realms of the spirit world. In a way he is the forefather of all the next saints and central figures, guiding them spiritually, even though Abraham's family was the first one to set successful family level foundation for the Messiah. 

The Book of Enoch was written as a message from the spiritual world. It clarifies the fact, that the Archangel misleading the angels to fall, was the one who seduced Eve sexually. Besides revealing the sexual relationships of the fallen angels with women, the book uncovers the earliest written plan for salvation through the Messiah.

The First Book of Enoch (1 Enoch), Old Testament Apocrypha, contains vows and prophecies of world events and the coming of the Messiah, which is called Human beloved Son, the Son of a woman.

Enoch was taken in the spiritual world and the good angels showed him how the evils fallen angels were teaching people to do evil. The Angels on God's side have shown him the plan of salvation through the Messiah (Second Coming and its many offspring).

The story of the Fall Enoch associated with Gen. 6:1-6: describing how Fallen angels descended and had sexual relations with earthly women. Enoch describes the angels as male creatures with large sexual organs. The very Archangel led the other angels to deviate, Enoch states, is the one who committed sexual adultery with the first woman, Eve. From there, human love was defiled and the offspring of Adam and Eve was separated from God's lineage.

Sinful angels even started to supplant God in relation to people. They came down and taught people astrology, writing, and magic, how to making weapons, contraceptives and so on. They use this knowledge to present themselves as our gods and to pervert people's hearts to free sex, homosexuality, contraception methods, violence and murder.

Ultimately, God intervened through the flood in order to stop these crimes, which filled the land, and Enoch was sent to convict the angels and tell them that they will be thrown into the abyss and no longer be free to appear on earth. This is quoted in the New Testament (see Jud 1:6, 14-15), which says that angels have sinned through carnal temptations," and their sin is "adultery". It is revealed through revelations that angels were the ones to give rise to homosexuality. In disobedience to God, they started homosexual acts among themselves even before Lucifer seduced Eve sexually.

Video explaining how fallen angels created hybrid humans, altering the human DNA, to be used as their bodies. Thus they overtook the Earth and controlled humanity ever since. Same like Lucifer, pedophilia was central part in their way to spiritually fuse with the humans.

The Returning Christ will have Many Children and restore God's Lineage

Enoch predicted that at the Second Coming Christ will be born in the East; his descendants will be numerous as the stars and they will rule the nations with righteousness and the truth coming out of his mouth.

Apparently at his coming the Messiah will establish a family, thus restoring the failure of Adam and Eve to become the first True Parents. The Gospel of Peter also confirms that this is the very purpose of the restoration process; "From families centered on Satan, Christ is to restore families centered on God," Peter explains.

How will Christ return? "He is chosen and hidden before the Lord "(Enoch 48:70). Initially, people will not recognize him. Instead he will be rejected and persecuted by this generation. But by the year 2012 his foundation will become apparent to many. Millions will follow him, thus the rulers and those who persecuted him will have to come and ask for forgiveness.

The book is divided into several parts: introduction (1-5), angels and the universe (6-36) Proverbs (37-71); heavenly luminaries (72-82) visions (83-90); exhortations to righteousness (91 -105), conclusion (106-108), including Noah's book (106-107).

The Book of Enoch gives the most complete picture of the hopes of the Jewish people at Jesus' time. It is considered the oldest human written book because it is cited in many of the oldest discovered texts. It was found again in Ethiopian translation and was published in English in 1821. There are passages in Greek and Aramaic language (Qumran).

Although today it is not included in the canon, the Book of Enoch enjoyed great respect by Jews in antiquity and the early Christian Church. But 200-300 hundred years later, Christian theology further and further deviated from the original believes, so there was no more place for this book, as well as many other important parts of the scriptures. But this left Christianity ignorant of the fact, that Jesus wanted to marry and because he was killed and could not start God's lineage on earth, another was to continue his mission in future times, bringing this Heavenly Mission to completion. See, Bible Prophecies of the Second Coming

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  1. The Book of Enoch is an important source for understanding the Jewish world at the dawn of Christianity. The book of Enoch was considered inspired – i.e. Holy Scripture – by the ancient Church. In fact, the Book of Enoch is quoted in the book of Jude – verses. 14-15 – as well as in v.6 where it says: And the angels which kept not their first estate, but left their own habitation, he hath reserved in everlasting chains under darkness unto the judgment of the great day (cf. Enoch 6, 12 ff.). It was also considered inspired by Christian authors like Clement of Alexandria, Irenaeus and Tertullian. Starting from the the fifth century it wasn’t mentioned anymore in the Western Church, while it continued to survive in the Ethiopian church. In fact we have manuscripts of Enoch in Ethiopian,Greek but also in Aramaic, thanks to the discoveries of Qumran.

    In addition to the very short book of Jude, there are so many other new testament’s texts that have parallels with the Book of Enoch. For this reason, some people think that there is an influence of the New Testament on the book of Enoch, This is impossible because of the greater antiquity of the Book of Enoch than the New Testament’s texts.

    According to Genesis, Enoch is the mysterious character taken by God. (Genesis 5). The Enoch’s book developed from this brief information. Enoch had the opportunity to bring back the sky’s secrets to men.

  2. As the Pentateuch the book of Enoch is composed of six sections:

    Book of Watchers – fallen angels (i.e. the watchers), and their sin from which derived all the sins of men
    Book of the Giants – the giants (i.e. the children of the watchers) and their names. The extermination by the flood waters. It is also said that one of the watchers (Shemihaza) repented
    Book of Astronomy – explanation of the solar calendar of 364 days in relation to the moon
    Book of Dreams – visions of the flood and of the world history from creation to the coming of God’s Kingdom
    Epistle of Enoch – apocalypse of ten weeks
    Book of parables – the angelic hierarchy, astronomy and meteorology issues and presentation of a Son of Man who will act as the Messiah
    The most important issue discussed in the book of Enoch is the origins of evil. The starting point of the reflections contained in the Book of Watchers is Genesis 6:1-4: And it came to pass, when men began to multiply on the face of the earth, and daughters were born unto them, That the sons of God saw the daughters of men that they were fair; and they took them wives of all which they chose. And the Lord said, My spirit shall not always strive with man, for that he also is flesh: yet his days shall be an hundred and twenty years. There were giants in the earth in those days; and also after that, when the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men, and they bare children to them, the same became mighty men which were of old, men of renown.

    This is a text a little confused and it seems mutilated. In fact it passes abruptly from the decree on the reduction of human life to the existence of the giants on the earth. Then the rest of the text does not say clearly that the heroes are the giants. In the book of Watchers it is clearly stated that the giants were the result of the union between the angels (i.e. sons of God) and the daughters of men. This union produced a disorder, a generalized contamination between men and in the nature. A disorder also due to the fact that the angels taught men the arts, science and astronomy.

    Many men died and their souls cried out to heaven. So for the first time the concept of the immortal soul enters the Jewish thought. Within this conception, man is not the main cause of evil. The origin of evil is Azazel. Just because the origin of the disorder is not human, God alone can put an end to this state of affairs. Then ordered the archangels to bind the fallen angels into the abyss, and to let the Giants kill each other.

    However, the giants’ souls could not be destroyed, because it was immortal. So the Giants spirits – that the evil spirits of the Gospels – go around the world to lead man towards evil. However, man is free to follow or not the inspirations of the evil spirits. Therefore, the right man is already saved, since he can now decide which side to take.

    Unlike the Book of Watchers, the Epistle of Enoch evil it is entirely attributed to man without any divine origin. (To be continued)

    1. Divine Principle: Fall was Angels reversing the position, from Objects to Subjects to the human beings. Fall was pedophile sexual act of Lucifer suducing Eve while still immature.

      You see the problem 🙂 The good Angels cannot reverse dominion to help us. We have to ask, pray, do conditions, to unleash their support.

      Second problem: Evil satanic minions used pedophilia and sexual promiscuity to manipulate and dominate humanity. No one found solution out of that.

  3. So now Trust and Believe to our Lord God King Jesus Christ the messiah for he is the only way the truth and the life and the savior. Obey the law of god and ignore the works of satan and sin no more because satan is not the way he fools everyone he is a lie, cannot be trusted and he is the death and don't be afraid of death, if you afraid of death then you afraid of satan but if you trust and believe in jesus christ and accept him as your savior and do what he says to do and do not what he says not to do then even if you die there will be no death but life the eternal life. Accept that my lord king jesus christ is the savior of your life because he is the only one who can save your life. forget about the technology because technology is nothing but dust and because of technology we are led away from the truth. If the time of judgement day has come but even if you are the richest man or the Smartest person on the earth and you have committed sins and disobey the law of god. your wealth, your knowledge are useless because you will be judge by the sins you have committed. My Lord king jesus christ died on the cross for our sins so you must accept him as your savior and I'll say to you my friend that no one else can do what he did because of he is the true messiah and I'll say to you that the salvation is not about what your religion is? but through him you will be saved so trust him believe in him forever. Amen.

    1. From the words of Jesus in the Bible we can understand that the Second Coming, Christ will most likely be born on the earth. As predicted in Revelation 12:5,

      "A great and wondrous sign appeared in heaven: a woman clothed with the sun, with the moon under her feet and a crown of twelve stars on her head. She was pregnant and cried out in pain as she was about to give birth... She gave birth to a son, a male child, who will rule all the nations with an iron scepter. And her child was snatched up to God and to his throne." (Revelation 12:5)

    2. Jesus will give his Messianic mission to another

      "To him who overcomes and does my will to the end, I will give authority over the nations— 'He will rule them with an iron scepter; he will dash them to pieces like pottery'— just as I have received authority from my Father." (Revelation 2:26-28)

      As Jesus was anointed with the Messianic authority to rule the nation, meaning to be Christ-Messiah, "Anointed to rule", so is he going to "anoint" the Lord of the Second Advent with the same Mission. This shows that another sinless person as Jesus will appear ("having deeds pure as His") and that Jesus himself would give him the same mission (as I received from my Father), which is the Messianic mission (to rule all nations with an iron staff).


    Why Jesus said that he is the only Son of God, yet the Bible predicts he will return with a "New Name"? 2000 years ago Jesus was the only Son of God, but Jesus said that another person will be victorious and pure like him.

    There is no contradiction or problem; In fact God's purpose for sending the Messiah is to restore all people as God's Children - Sons and Daughters of God. Seems like the Lord of the Second Advent is the first one who will inherit Jesus and open the way for the resto of humanity to become God's true sons and daughters.
