
CIG NEWS: Unified Korea, Asia to unite, China Decommunized



Asia to Unite / World Peace

(1) Korea already is considered as a United Korea. The Asian region has been liberated from the Cabal Mafia. And an Asian union was formed, where China was liberated from Communism... says the Fulford report, which has access to all the players who pull the strings and all the Intelligence Agencies.
"An agreement has been reached in Asia to unite Taiwan and China and form a friendly alliance with Japan, a united Korea and ASEAN, dragon family sources say. Asian secret societies say humanity is now 3/4 freed from the Satanic Chazarian mafia.
When all this is over, there will be an anniversary, world peace and the beginning of a new Golden Age, alliance sources promise."
"all influence of the Chazarian Mafia is removed from the region... a major agreement has been reached to merge Taiwan with the mainland... the fake Kim Jong Un and the fake news about North Korean missiles published in the Cabal propaganda media are a pile of lies. Kim is dead and his sister is in charge of North Korea, sources in the Asian secret society say. North Korea is part of the Alliance for the Liberation of Humanity, they added."
Spiritual change - evil people can no longer receive fallen angels to come help them. The good angels have full authority to help humanity transition to peace. All satanic governments and constitutions are UNREGISTERED, therefore have no longer access to money. Peace, self-governance and new tech will unfold in the next 10-15 years.

Kimberly Gogen and Benjamin Fulford talk about how the world has worked before and how people can now create a different future! (Video)

Signs of the Evil Empire Collapsing

The Cabal has no money so it resorted to the Ukraine war simultaneously attempting to divert the attention from the growing evidence of the vaccine crime, and the growing tracker protests worldwide. 

2022 - Ukraine War - Cabal's desperate attempt to find money: 

All nations were payed with Covid Bonds in 2017, to actively participate in the creation of the False Pandemic in 2019. Vacctinations had to bring them billions in profit. After 2 years of Lockdowns they found out the bonds are invalid. So they decided to make money the old way - through war. Yet, wars also have to be sponsored to start. 

Israel promised some oil bonds for 8-9 billion dollars to the generals to pay that war. They got it for 18 dollars a barrel. They used the war to rise the oil prices around the world. Petrol became 200-300 dollars a barrel. Huge profits. In addition, Ukraine collects millions a day in donations. Until this donations keep coming, the war will not stop. Nothing will go for the people. Just the opposite.

The real objective was to clean up the territory for creating their New Israel - the restored Khazarian kingdom, where they can freely practice their ancient Babylonian satanic practices. Therefore it is very important to read the Khazarian history of satanism. Learn why Ukraine uses the old Khazarian logo and is located on former Khazarian territory. 

The End of All Wars

We can never forget that in a war both sides are God's children and both sides suffer. The Cabal that was always behind both sides of all wars are those who benefit and enrich themselves. They are the ones we want to see exposed and finally comprehended. 

How the war started? A phone call came to the five-star general controlling the region. The call was made from London. Black cars came. This puppet muster is gone for good, KIM Goguen reported. You see how the pyramid works? Three people control all 5-star generals. They create wars and troubles where they are told. 

On the other side; the White Hats claim that 'this' Putin is on their side, helping to expose the bio-labs, destroy the Neo-Nazis. Simultaneously, together with all allied countries they transit away from the Rotchild-Khazarian Mafia Bank system into a new gold-backed monetary system. They promise that this is the start of a chain reaction that will liberate the world form the centuries of monetary slavery and open the way for a bright future. 

"All because Russia stood up against the New World order crimes in Ukraine… And all the crimes they say Russia is guilty of… They are guilty of. It’s called projection." Freedom Battalion

What you see in Ukraine is a model of what the Cabal wants to bring very soon everywhere, even in your country. Their final aim is to expand it into a World War and restore the perpetual state of the Cold War, which was very profitable and convenient for them and is now their last resort for survival. 
As the ring shrinks, the number of Nazi provocations will increase. It was these Nazis of the Azov Battalion who deliberately and with particular cruelty destroyed the civilian population in the Republics of Donetsk and Luhansk for eight years.
What you see in the media is more of a theatre and "a fundraising campaign with very little actually reaching the Ukrainian people. In fact, Ukrainian government goes in great length to keep the war on going," reported UNN"The good news is, almost all of the Cabal's operations have and will continue to fail," UNN concluded. 
It's way more interesting to follow what's happening behind the scene. Yet, the truth about the extremely dangerous development of bio-weapons now came in some of the main news: Fox News Report
(2) "The biological weapons factories built by Bill Gates and the Soros Foundation (Rothschild) in Ukraine have been destroyed." (11 U.S. biolabs in Ukraine funded by the Cabal)
  • Covid disappeared from Russia as soon as the biological warfare laboratories closed in Ukraine. 
  • Global spam and email fraud operations have been also stopped.
(3) "Putin and his team extracted all the data from the banks that would expose the corruption from 2014 and that tens of billions of dollars had been drained using Ukraine as a channel, the source continued."
*** "Rothschild's bank servers were in Ukraine and have now been seized. That means the game is over for them.")
(4) "The Deep State has been devastated by their money laundering operation in Ukraine, which is being destroyed by Putin. Biden, Obama, Soros, Clinton.. (and others to be revealed), all have their blood-soaked hands standing deep in Ukraine," the Mossad source noted."
  • The Khazarian Mafia are desperate and have made numerous attempts to organise a nuclear terrorist incident. 
  • "The Nazi Azov Battalion planed to blow up a reactor at the National Research Center of the Kharkiv Institute of Physics and Technology and blame the Russian armed forces."
(5) The report exposes the fake story published by the Cabal propaganda media about what is happening in Ukraine. You can see that they fake atrocities and deaths are fake because they don't have real ones to report. 
Journalist and war correspondent Anne - Laure Bonnell , who is in Ukraine shocks the followers ‘I am not a party and i do not defend Putin , but the truth is, i am close to civilians ,what i say is that the Ukrainian army is bombing its own people in Dumbas region
Russian military operations keep miles away from civilians, the Ukraine's Nazi groups are that shoot, rape and robe civilians. As the Avatar of Vladimir Putin had to said:
"For our country, it is a matter of life and death We had to stop that atrocity:, that genocide of the millions of people who live there,,, we will seek to demilitarise and denazify Ukraine, as well as bring to trial those who perpetrated numerous bloody crimes against civilians…We all know that having justice and truth on our side." Putin
*** all the hysteria in the Western propaganda media about Ukraine is a desperate attempt to divert attention from the growing evidence that the mass vaccination campaign is a huge war crime. Mortality among those vaccinated increased by 495%.
  • UK Health Service reported, "9 out of 10 people dying from Covid are Vaccinated." Saying, the immune system of the vaccinated is drastically reduced. 
He presents a list of 40 billionaires who got rich from this crime, saying, "You can be sure that they will all be prosecuted and brought to justice."
In Japan, police and the military have begun arresting many people involved in the Fukushima mass murder attack, according to Japanese right-wing sources close to the emperor. 
Sources of the Asian Secret Society promise that historical changes will continue to occur between now and the spring equinox on March 21-22.
The report starts at the 44 min of this video:

To understand how truly historical the removal of these war criminals is, we need to briefly look at the origin of the Satan worshipping Khazarian mafia KM. I will start with a brief look at how the KM took over Europe and embarked on a centuries-long quest to restore their ancient homeland of Khazaria.

A good summary of their activities can be seen here: Read

Khazaria was a kingdom in central Asia that practiced Babylonian black arts. They were known to surrounding countries as thieves, murderers, road bandits, and for assuming the identities of those travelers they murdered…About 1,200 AD, the Russians led a group of nations surrounding Khazaria and invaded it, in order to stop the Khazarian crimes against their people, which included the kidnapping of their young children and infants for their blood sacrifice ceremonies to Baal. [Satan].

The KM elite fled to Europe where they slowly, over a period of centuries, infiltrated and finally took over the ruling classes there. Their biggest victory came in 1913 when the Federal Reserve Board was taken over by the KM in an illegal Christmas day move.

By grabbing control of the money of the people of the United States of America, John Rockefeller I and his fellow KM honchos were able to finance Vladimir Lenin and Leon Trotsky’s communist revolution in Russia. As soon as the KM overthrew the Christian government of Russia, they began their revenge for the destruction of Khazaria. Overall they killed as many as 80 million Russians during the 20th century. They also began their project to recreate Khazaria by starving millions of ethnic Russians to death who lived within the ancient borders of Khazaria.

That is why Putin said “The Modern Ukraine was entirely and completely created by Russia, or rather, the Bolshevik, Communist Russia,” (See)

The Russian’s patience finally ran out when the KM tried to take over the nation of Kazakhstan to further their project to recreate Khazaria.

In 2014 UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon said Ukraine has not registered its borders since 12/25/1991. Since the UN has not registered the borders of Ukraine as a sovereign state and Russia is the legal successor of the USSR (this is confirmed by the decisions of international courts on property disputes between the former USSR and foreign countries), the lands on which Ukraine, Belarus and Novorossiya are located belong to Russia, In other words, the so-called Ukraine invasion is a police action taking place within the borders of Russia.

You see, this is a war between God and Satan. At the end God Wins. That should be our prayers. All evil should end and God and humanity should finally be free. That's precisely what's coming. 

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