
Nostradamus: The seven signs of Nostradamus for the Second Coming of Christ


The seven signs of Nostradamus to recognize the Messiah at his Second Coming in our time
2012 Predictions 2012 Nostradamus 2012 Prophecy 2012 Apocalypse
Nostradamus was a real genius. He predicted the Second World War and Hitler. He predicted the Twin Towers collapse and that Charles will be the last king of England. 

Did you know, Nostradamus predicted where the Second Advent will be born, what is his 'new name,' what are the main breakthroughs he will achieve.

The most important of Nostradamus' predictions for this millennium are related to the appearance of the Messiah, a Peacemaker with the New Truth; who, the prophet said, will be born in the East; from the Orient, the yellow race; will be very persecuted and repeatedly imprisoned, and yet, his new revelation will set the foundation for World Peace.

His name will be "Moon", his wife name will be bird's name. He will be a founder of a new religion, and "it will unite religions against Red (Communism)". By 1991, humanity would have heard of him as the Messiah, but it would not want to accept him yet. Yet, he will unite all previous philosophies, religions and understandings. Wherever he goes, he will bless the families in big mass weddings.

The founder of the so called, Unification Church, Rev. Sun Myung Moon is one of the 10 new religious leaders that John Hogue describes in his book as the possible Messiah according to Nostradamus' signs. (Nostradamus and the Millennium, John Hogue, 1987).

Falsely, Nostradamus is thought to have predicted the Apocalypse as the End of the World, but actually he predicted events until the fourth millennium and stopped. His predictions of this millennium are related to the coming World Peace and the Messiah who will guide us to achieve it. This is why, Nostradamus gives us over 40 more specific signs recorded in the sixty quatrains narrowing significantly the scope of possibilities for recognizing this Messiah.
2012 Predictions 2012 Nostradamus 2012 Prophecy 2012 Apocalypse
Our most important responsibility these days

For our time, Nostradamus predicts the appearance of new religion, which will change the world. The founder of this new religion will be the man who brought the new truth - the Messiah and the Second Coming that the prophets of millennia have been preparing us to accept. He will unite all religions, philosophies... all mankind will unite with one common goal of building a peaceful and united world. So who is this new religious founder?

Did you know: The Institute for the Study of World Religions named Dr. Moon's movement as, "The most successful new religion of the last century." In just 40-50 years, starting from the misery of the North Korean Concentration Camp, he expended the Unification Movement in 205 countries. One of the major success in his work for Peace, was that he successfully inspired and brought people and leaders of all faith and religion to work together for ending Communism and bringing World Peace. 

How can we know if he is the one? Nostradamus gives very clear signs based on which humanity can recognizes this messianic Peacemaker. One would think that this would be difficult, but it is not. Only 5 major world religions have appeared in history, which have influenced humanity and remained to this day. They have shaped the cultures, morals and spiritual rise of humanity to modern democracy. That is why it should not be difficult to recognize a new world religion that appears in our time. Not just a denomination of existing one. A religion that has the ideological, philosophical and practical power to unite our past understandings.

1. It will be a New Religion, not existent before
2. It will elevate and unite the 5 existing religions
3. His new teachings will have the potential to bring world peace 
4. It will be centered on the family, not on the individual 

With its very appearance, every new religion is quite persecuted, misunderstood and distorted because its truths are taken out of context and viewed through the prism of old understandings and conflicts. But over time, the fruits themselves ( the results ) will show its real potential. "By the fruits ye shall know him," says even Jesus.

That is why recognition will seem difficult at first, which is why Nostradamus gives us these very specific signs to make sure we will not fail to recognize him. The survival of humanity and the guarantee of future peace and prosperity will depend on accepting and following this new religious leader. His teachings will be crucial in resolving all the problems tormenting humanity for thousands of years. So let us compare Nostradamus' seven most obvious signs with this Korean Peacemaker. 

2012 Predictions 2012 Nostradamus 2012 Prophecy 2012 Apocalypse
The seven signs of Nostradamus

Here I will try to dwell on the most important and clear descriptions that Nostradamus gives. Those who will dispel the nebula and ambiguities by making the description quite clear and indisputable so that everyone can draw their own conclusions and recognize the truth when they see it.

First, The Messiah will be born in the East; of the Orient, the yellow race. This greatly narrows the range of expectations. This prophecy coincides with the description of the Bible and that of many other prophets. In other words, we are talking about the region of China, Korea and Japan. China and Japan are quite atheistic and despotic in recent history, but in Korea we find the existence of prophecies hundreds and thousands of years ago, that the True Man, the Messiah for all religions, will be born there in our days.

Second, The Messiah will be greatly persecuted and repeatedly imprisoned. It is normal for the emergence of a completely new religion to provoke a strong confrontation with old religious understandings, although its purpose is to awaken and unite them. This prophecy further narrows the parameters of our search.

The third prediction completely limits the possibilities. "It will unite religions against Red (Communism)," says Nostradamus. Non the existing 5 religions can fit into this prophecy. Not only do they not unite with others, but they also split and divide into hundreds and thousands of denominations within themselves. 

A book was recently published in which thousands of Christian pastors testify to the miracles surrounding Rev. Moon. In recent years, Dr. Moon has made a number of Peace Proclamations calling for an end to the divisions and barriers in God's family, and to work together to build the peaceful world we all long for.

In addition to describing him as a unifier of religions, Nostradamus also clarifies the purpose of this Peacemaker will be to stop the Atheistic bloody expansion of Communism that the Bible calls "the Red Dragon"  - "The Antichrist", denying any God. 

The false accusations against Moon and his Peace Movement were motivated exactly because of his role in The Fall of Communism. We wonder how he did it? Through the newspaper he founded, the Washington Times, as well as the International Organization for the Victory over Communism.

This decisive battle between the lord of the Second Coming and the Red Beast is described in Chapters 12 to 19 of Revelation. Jesus showed the Bible prophet a vision in which a Red Dragon ( 1917 ) appeared, which although mortally wounded ( in Hitler's invasion ), suddenly stands up and takes a third of humanity ( 44-45. Eastern Europe and much of Asia became Communist ). 

The birth of a pure child who has a relationship with God is described immediately after the advent of Communism. Therefore he is born soon after 1917. Let us say, 1918 ends the First World War, 1919 he is conceived, 1920 he is born (in Korea). 

In Chapter 19, John's revelations describe the lord of the Second Coming ( coming "with a new name" ) to fight the rulers of the world and as the winner of this Red Regime. Thus we come to the fourth sign given by Nostradamus.

The Forth sign is the most specific of all. Nostradamus notes that he will come with the name "Moon". Nostradamus directly mentions the name of the new Messianic Peacemaker. Yes, Nostradamus reveals directly the "new name" that the Bible says no one knows, but when time comes prophets will reveal. The prophet talks how Moon and his followers will be persecuted and falsely accused. 

The name "Moon" is Korean and corresponds in meaning to Bible's prophecy that the Messiah will come "with new name"... "And his name shall be the Word of God'." The hieroglyphs of the word Moon mean just that - "the Word of God given to man", meaning, "God's Word". It is true that the Moon clan consists of millions of Koreans, but how many of them have created a new world religious movement aimed at uniting religions fighting Communism and undergoing through incredible persecution?

In fact, we are left with only one candidate who fulfills these traits. And that's the Korean founder of Unificationism, Reverend Sun Myung Moon. 

The other prophecies also point to him and no one else. We cannot avoid to mention the following fact. When the most prominent researcher of Nostradamus' predictions systematized the possible options 20 years ago, he listed 10 possible personalities. The Korean religious leader, San Myung Moon, was among them, as one of the possible candidates for fulfilling these prophecies. But not knowing much about Rev. Moon, he presented him in a rather negative light. Yet, even he confirmed that he corresponds to the name "Moon" and to the prophecy that "he will bless thousands of families wherever he goes." 

Today, the situation is different. The other nine possible new religious leaders are already dead without fulfilling the prophecies, and without bringing any peace and unification. They never created anything but some new meditation trends, while the Korean Moon created a global network of organizations covering all areas of human life. They are all focused on achieving 'World Peace.' They substantially established a foundation necessary for transforming the world. Dr. Moon was born in 1920. In his life, had 13 children and over 50 grandchildren. He blessed in marriage 400 million couples, educating them to remove the barriers between nations, race and religions. 

The Fifth prophesied event that narrows the picture is that after 1991 humanity would hear who the Messiah was. Nostradamus does not say that we will believe that he is the Messiah, but we will definitely hear about him, as well as that he declares himself the Messiah. Since 1992 Rev. Moon made world rallies proclaiming that he and his wife, Hak Ja Han Moon, are the True Parents of mankind and the fulfilment of the Second Advent, the fulfilment of the failed mission of Adam and Eve, establishing God's lineage on earth. 

Why they could proclaimed that? Communism collapsed until 1990, after which the Messiah is able to declare his mission to the world. By this time he already have build a world foundation. He have played a key role in the fall of Communism. His decades of work for interreligious unity made leaders of all faiths to recognize that he is a man of God. Now it was visible that this is a new, influential world religion, expanded in all nations. 

All the above gives us enough facts to recognize it as the fulfilment of Nostradamus' predicted Peacemaker. Yet, with the next sign, Nostradamus will completely eliminate the possibility of any doubts.

The Sixth sign is that he will not only work to unite the religions. With the New Truth, the New Revelation, that he brings, the foundation for peace will be established and all previous philosophies, religions and understandings will stop fighting each other, but find a united way to work together for God's ideal to come. Or, as Vanga describes it, "He will sign the Eternal Peace" and "humanity will come to believe in one teaching," "religions will find a common goal and stop their disputes." 

And truly, all created by Dr. Moon organizations strive for World Peace and Unification. But there is something more! Many world leaders now recognize that his teachings indeed bring practical solution to the most basic and global human problems. Perhaps this is due to the fact that his teaching really unites Eastern and Western philosophies, as well as science and religion. 

And here we come to one of the blocking problem in connection to Dr. Moon - his mass weddings. Perhaps that is why Nostradamus did not fail to mention this as one of the signs to recognize him.

The Seventh sign given by Nostradamus, it is definitely fulfilled only by Sun Myung Moon. According to the prophet, wherever he goes, he will bless thousands of families. The most shocking of the activities of Reverend Moon are undoubtedly the International Wedding Blessings, which he did all over the world. 

Isn't it amazing that in the midst of a culture of free sex, Dr. Moon inspires hundreds of millions couples to participate in these mass-international marriages. The message was to achieve "World peace through ideal families". 

We may remember that the Bible also describes the Second Coming in connection with the Great Wedding to which everyone is invited. Is that why Jesus warned that if the "Invited" (Christians) refuse to come to the wedding, God would have to send the angels to gather people from the streets (meaning, unbelievers or from other faiths). 

The International and Interreligious Wedding Blessings of Reverend Sun Myung Moon set the condition for restoring 400 million couples in God's lineage. Based on that condition in 1999 Lucifer was forced to step out from the position of false god and false father of humanity. See, LUCIFER surrendedIf Christians have accepted Reverend Moon's guidance and Marriage Blessing the restoration would have happened much earlier. 

Isn't that why Jesus warned us, no matter how great faith we have, no matter how great signs we perform that Christ might rebuke us. Bible says, he will call Christians "Evil doers" if they do not accept the one he has sent? He warned us to be vigilant not to miss the time he comes! He warned us that he will return with "new name", meaning, new person, with the same mission.

Millions more had died and suffered tremendously because of this Christian failure. Nevertheless, till 2012 Rev. Moon completed all conditions for God's Kingdom to start on earth. Since 2013 he started mobilizing the whole spirit world and all religious founders there, to descend and help that transition from Satan's sovereignty to God's sovereignty. 

Nostradamus' predictions overlap quite well not only with the Bible, but also with the Korean prophecies for the Messiah given a thousand years ago. We find a good addition to the picture also from Vanga's predictions. They all predict a Peacemaker, unifier, from the East. 

The Bulgarian prophetess, Baba Vanga, predicted a new religion that will take the earth by storm: In Vanga's words, God is one and religions will soon find a common purpose and the whole of humanity will come to believe in one truth. Read more

Here are the Qualifications of this Holy Man According to 500 to 1000 year old Korean prophecies: 

"He must unite all religions. He will unite the truth from east and west. He will be born in Korea as the second advent. He will be the second coming of all religious founders; Jesus, Mohamed, Buddha, and Confucius."
"He will be the parent of Mankind. He will marry lots of young people. He will start marrying people beginning with a number based on 36 6x6 then 36000 etc.. Then the world will come together. Many nations will oppose him but his power will be too strong." Korean Prophecies

It's no one else, but our own responsibility to pray and find out. And I urge you to compare also the other prophecies with the life and teachings of this Korean Peacemaker. 

Will this time we accept the Messiah? 

Nostradamus cited past events, believing that they would be repeated. Past events will happen again for a specific purpose. It's kind of like parallels in history; situations that God repeats so that humanity can finally understand and fulfill its responsibility successfully. Nostradamus knew very well the other old books of prophecy and took two-thirds of his predictions from them. Such is the case with two verses in which Nostradamus predicts „ Twin Towers “ which will collapse „ the sky will burn, the fire will fall…“ But all his predictions in his words aim to awaken us to our responsibility in recent days. And that responsibility is to recognize and accept this messianic Peacemaker, through whose guidance the Eternal Peace will be established. 
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Predictions of Vanga
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