
CIG Predictions: Two Future Timelines for Ukraine and Humanity

Future Timelines for Ukraine

"True Parents' victories were echoing in the spirit world and shifting the course of humanity in God's direction. God's people use true love to steer history towards bright future, while the satanic side uses fear to invoke darkness." THE TIMELINE SHIFT

By Rev. Yulian UTS /  16 May 2022 / CIG News

As Unificationists, Father told us to research, pray and be aware of what is to come. In my report on THE TIMELINE SHIFT, I focused on the collapse of the Satanic sovereignty. And remember this final war is ideological war. The powers of darkness work unabated because of our ignorance. That's why the Bible says:

"My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge; because you have rejected knowledge, I reject you from being a priest to me."

As in any war... the bankers have already played out who will take what after it is over ... the whole point of the process is to confuse people with misinformation so that they hate and argue with each other so much that they don't understand, that everything is planned in advance. Talking about the the Jewish bankers, don't undermine the fact:

Zelensky and Bennett are the only two Jewish heads of government in the world, according to The New York Times. Why is this important? Why Jews plan to build Second Israel in Ukraine?

Now we read that Poland will probably take one part of Ukraine and Russia the other. This is according to the scenario of the Khazar bankers - the First Timeline, I explain in details below. Look at the article, Ukraine is over, it has been divided, Poland is swallowing up a part

To make a war they have to divide us to argue each other and mislead us as not to grasp their real objective

Not correctly understanding God's view about this war, may well lead us into confusion and to resentments and division. That's what the darkness wants, because keeping us in darkness it is able to manipulate, mislead and dominate us. While I present the two sides in the conflict, please don't forget that True Love is the only power able to bring peace. 

'Under the light of the new truth, all those who have struggled over the long course of history to dispel the darkness of ignorance will gather. They will form one great family.' The Divine Principle

In the other timeline these Satanic plans fall apart, and the Deep State that directs them is completely destroyed. The information below is acquired from top sources with access to the highest intel. Thus, it should not be disregarded. Which of the two options will be realized depends on fulfilling our human responsibility. To discern what is good, and what is just camouflaged evil. These are confused times.

You can be sure Father Moon have mobilized all the good forces to help the earth. The forces doing the change are on much higher spiritual level.

As Unificationist I believe in God's victory, while being aware that it depends on us fulfilling our own human responsibility. That's why removing the vail of ignorance in this disinformation war is of major importance in this providential time. Only the truth will open the way for love and peace in this world. 

Who is Fighting Against Whom? 

Video: We've been lied... to pretend that this war is about Russia and Ukraine is a fare face lie. Zelenski is a puppet, doing spook dancing on satanic, occult type of music video. Billions of US Dollars have been laundered through Ukraine. We say nothing. The Deep State isn't a theory... is an actual Deep State. 


Biden/Obama Tied to Child Sex Trafficking; Children, Bodies Rescued from US Bio-weapon Labs Under Biden Ukraine Property. Wed. 6 April 2022: Thousands of Children Rescued, Mutilated Bodies Recovered, from Biden-owned Ukraine Property Containing US Run Bio-Weapon Labs.

1. Corona Viruses produced in Ukraine and spread with birds

In captured laboratories Russians found the production of the Corona Virus, how it was spread, and the World Health Organizations's involvement in this crime:
The Russians captured a large number of migratory birds with microchip-controlled capsules containing various plagues... could be opened by satellite command where they would cause the most damage. The locations of the American laboratories that manufacture these biological weapons in 36 countries was presented to the Security Council. The diseases and epidemics, the means of their release, the countries in which they are being tested. Even the virus responsible for the current pandemic and the huge number of bats used to transmit this virus. Proof was provided that the World Health Organization representatives regularly visited these laboratories around the world. Fulford Report
This discovery provoked swift actions. Fulford reported that last week China and Russia gave ultimatum to the US Army to either destroy the Khazar Mafia (KM), or we will face a total war with a nuclear/scalar weapon. "Delegation was sent to Russia in response and an agreement was reached to kill all well-known KM members on the spot, according to Pentagon and Mi6 sources."

Video: National Neo-Nazi hero responsible for the death of over 100,000

1. Ukraine's plan to kill pro-Russian residents

Few days before the start of a special operation in Ukraine to kill pro-Russian residents of Melitopol in the southern part of the Zaporozhye region, city with 150,000 inhabitants, the Russian military learned of the plans. 

Statistic shows most of the 3000 civilian deaths in this war are from Donbas, the people Russians are protecting. This fact alone collapses all the media manipulation we hear. In addition we see many of the TV news are made with crises actors - fake stories to accuse the Nazi atrocities on Russia. 

The punitive operation of the Ukrainian nationalists was thwarted thanks to the beginning of the special operations by Russia to demilitarize and denazify Ukraine. "Everything is clear to us: these are war criminals. These are the neo-fascists who must be brought before the tribunal. They have no other options. Or die, "said DNR chief Denis Pushilin. 

Ukrainian government is Nazi, the UN Arms Inspector says, and Nazis are very vast organization in Ukraine! National de-Nazification will be nearly impossible. (Scott Ritter)

2. The 8 years of Genocide before the war began

Media played great role in the cover up of the atrocities of these Neonazies in the last 8 years. You can see many videos and documentaries about the children killed by the Ukranian forces in Donbass before the war began. Why is western media suppressing these horrible crimes?

The nationalists not only planned an attack on Donbass, they wanted to attack Russia, to take hostages. This was planned not by Azov, but by the hands of the collective West. "Ukrainian Nazis are just an instrument of aggression against Russia by Western countries." So at the end this is a war is with the Deep State that invaded Ukraine. Russia is helping Ukraine to get free, simultaneously helping the White Hats eliminate the remnants of the Cabal.

Meanwhile, Azov still poses a serious threat to Donbas, as it is a network structure, not just specific units. "Through the network structure, the regiment influences the highest authority in Ukraine. This is a whole Nazi control system that has external influence, mostly from the United States. Azov is an instrument of aggression against Russia and the formation of Nazi consciousness in Ukrainian society.

Video: Why De-Nazification of Ukraine is Urgently Needed

A lot of the mercenaries, those Nazis in Ukraine, where trained by Akino - big open Satanist. The reason Russians had to take Mariupol, is because that's where all the Nazi Headquarter was.

In The Cabal Timeline

"By the law of existence in the spiritual universe they must reveal their plans concerning people. And they do it in a secret kind of way"

As we know the Cabal is controlling both Russia and Ukraine. The war is just to liberate territory and excuse creating the New Israel (Restored Khazaria). Russia was promised the South and Eastern territories, in exchange for future military protection. They explain why this is very important for them. 

That's the plan of the Cabal-Khazarian-Mafia. I'm just trying to alert you about it. My hope is, it will not be fulfilled.  What signs support this version of events: 

(1) The advertised this plan for years. See th scenario described in their own promotion video:

(2) As the Global Repository reported, the war was payed by Israel with oil reserves. That's why price of petrol skyrocketed. The generals had to make money. 

(3) The same 5 star general (former KGB) controls both Russian and Ukrainian military. The Cabal gives them the order and they start the wars in the controlled by them region. 

Documentary: Communism was created by the Zionist Satanic Cabal, based on the Jesuit Satanistic ideology. Lenin was a Jesuit. Marx was a Jesuit, given the mission to ideologically put all socialists under the Zionist agenda (Khazarian Satanic Mafia). Rothchild paid the Red Revolution 1917. 

1 - The scenario:

In short, the Ukrainian government sold out to the Khazarian Mafia - that wants the territory. Russia pushed to play along. The Cabal controls all. People suffer. Satanists invade the country. Khazarian kingdom is restored in Ukraine.

The scenario is - Russia plays the villain. Ukraine plays the victim. Media makes the whole world sponsor the war with donations. The world is fooled to accept and assist the Cabal taking over Urkaine. Just as the magic trick with the Holocaust gave Israel to the Khazarian Banking Mafia, now in empathy we will give them Ukraine to become a 2nd Israel. It will happen gradually. The video outlines what will be achieved by 2039 and fully completed by 2070. 

Restoring Khazaria (See Khazarian History), is just a step in their plan to overtake the world. By 2070, they say, their plan includes overtaking all of Ukraine, Russia and surrounding territories. 

Best Documentary study on the History of Satanism: Who really pulls the strings behind the politicians and how this Satanic Cabal came into power: PART 2 / PART 3 / PART 4

2 - Signs this Khazarian plan is in progress:

1. Ukraine already uses the Khazarian Tamga as their national chest. Khazarians were known for practicing Satanism. No matter what the Ukrainians today are fooled to believe about it, the Khazarian Tamga is coming from the worship of Moloch. 

See, DEVIL WARSHIP SIGNS IN UKRAINE. Ukrainian military openly uses the Luciferian Black Sun sign as their logo. Yes, all the Cabal military is under the Black Sun Cult, but first time wee see it so openly displayed. They are not hiding it. Meaning, they own this country. 

2. Khazarians were known for their Pedophile practices and human trafficking. That's why Russia destroyed them 1000 years ago. Now we see HUNDREDS OF PEDOPHILE CAMPS SCATTERED IN UKRAINE. But look at the sexualization of our children brought by Khazarian-owned Hollywood. 

"Child Sex Trafficking is the Pandemic. Do your research of the millions of children going missing each ear." Lin Wood


3. Khazarian satanism derives from the Canaanithe practices of idol-worshiping, black-magic and invoking demons through ritual murder. Just the type of symbols and idols found in the mercenaries fighting for Ukraine. See, Mercenaries fighting in Ukraine "Worship the Devil"

Even the war is a Satanic ritual for them that invokes more demons on earth and keep them in power over us. The more murder and rape, the more powerful lying demons will come placing a fog over the minds of the world, not to see their evil nature, nor recognize how they are doing it. 

3 - Infiltration Rather Than Invasion

Known Khazarian messiah in 1666 teaches them to convert to any faith, but keep their satanic practices. Originally they infiltrated Judaism. He himself infiltrated the Muslims. Gradually they were overtaking and paralyzing Christianity from insight. 

In our days they are everywhere. All Central Banks are actually private and in Khazarian-jew hands. They print the money from nothing, countries in depth to pay them even interest on that (All nations became enslaved in depth - 80% or our taxes go to pay it). 

Khazarian monopoly is everywhere. The same is true for all of the media, entertainment, Hollywood and so on. Politicians, education, medicine, industries... check the CEOs - all Khazarian-jews. See, What was REV. MOON'S FIGHTing with

Bonus Video for those who have time and interest on the Head of the Khazarian Mafia (KM) Snake.

4 - All wars were created by the Khazarian Bankers

Ukraine made 11 billion dollars just from one fundraising event... Until the donations keep coming they will keep the war perpetual. It's not Russia... they are all part of the Cabal. 

The Generals on both sides of the war are controlled by the Cabal and expecting their own share of the pie. But here comes a change in the game. Ukraine is still under the Rothschild Central Banking system, while Russia kicked out the Rothschild banks in 2019 and now shifted to the Gold Backed system. That makes the White Hat version of the situation very possible. Read, THE TESLA-TRUMP-MOON CONNECTIon to see the Unificationist affiliation with this timeline.

The White Hats Timeline

"Without fighting in the visible world and defeating Satan, no road will emerge by which we can make progress in the spirit world. Without this, we would surely face obstacles." Rev. Sun Myung Moon - CSG

I could think of number of very high level White Hats that openly appreciated Rev. Moon's support and gave talks at our events. But on a world scale the White Hats are the alliance of countries that recognized the evil Cabal agenda and determined to stop it. See, Lincoln's Descendants and their involvement. 

The Alliance started with 17 nations and grew to more than 30. In 2019, in a global military operation, they arrested many of the Rothschild (Khazarian Jew) and other Black Nobility elite figures that controlled the world. The remaining alive are hiding in undergrounds or countries like Ukraine, where they still have prevailing control and protection. 

At present 22 nations have rejected the Rothschild Fiat Money and moved the their own national gold backed standard. Many more are to finalize that transition is the next weeks. So Russians are not alone; 90% of the world is with them. 

White Hats use Putin, who will help them expose and destroy the Cabal in Russia and Worldwide. Putin will take the blame of all the Cabal media, meanwhile decapitating the Cabal's HQ in Ukraine. By destroying the bio-weapon-labs he will liberate not only Ukraine, but also the world from a bio attack, more dangerous than Covid. 

Key point for this analyses is that Russian 'Z' forces helped the spec operations in Italy (when the Alliance was arresting the heads of the 13 Black Bloodlines). Later we saw Russia assisting the Alliance with the capture of the under-water bases of the Cabal in Geneva Lake (remember the submarines Russia sent). 

Now Russian military is helping to Nicaragua remove US-funded BSL-3 biolab / looking for organized crime and BIOLABORATORIES IN NICARAGUA - And it's worse than imagined.

Video: How the Cabal member, Putin, turned against the Cabal.

The original Putin was a Cabal - from the Black Sun Cult / He would never go against the Rothschild Fiat money and their Cabal Bio-weapon labs and Pedo-Camps

Therefore, the received intelligence, that after Putin (a Black Sun) died, he was replaced with a White Hat double, seems plausible. I saw videos of several high ranking White Hat generals declaring that. Global Repository also confirms that Putin is dead and this is a double. I compared old videos and photos and it's obviously a totally different person. 

Many other leaders around the world are being replaced by the White Hats. Obvious example is Biden, replaced with an actor and recorded in Arizona film studio. The White Hats possess all the evidence of the corruption and crimes against humanity, so they are taking them down one by one.

What I personally dislike is that this is a known Khazarian practice, to take the identity of their enemy. White Hats claim they have to do it until gradually collapsing the Deep State Cabal, in order to prevent riots, confusion and many innocent deaths. 

In this regard Russian military is doing everything to minimize dead of civilians. They kept away from civilian areas. Hitting exact targets; Cabal command centers, Nazi mercenaries, Labs, Pedophile Camps and underground bases. Fact is, from the 3000 civilian deaths majority are in Donbas area - the people Russians are there to protect. That shows you that the Nazi Battalions are those who shoot people. The Cabal media is telling you just the opposite, but experts and testimonies on the ground show just that: 

“…And then all the houses were shot from machine guns. – Who shot? – Azov. Azov. – Did they shot children and women? – Yes…” (Azov Battalion, is a unit of the National Guard of Ukraine). Read more Testimonies

Former U.S Marine Corps Intelligence Officer Scott Ritter confirmed the Bucha massacre in Ukraine was carried out by the Ukrainian Armed Forces. [vi]

Alliance Operation of Cleaning the Deep State Worldwide

Replacing Putin means they already cleansed a lot of the Russian Deep State. The sanctions on Russia was also strategic, to confiscate officially much of the oligarchs properties. Essential part of the war with the Cabal in Russia itself. 

Many other signs in recent years are point that this version of Putin could be on the good side. Denouncing pedophilia and homosexuality, exposing beo-labs and Nazi militants, destroying Cabal HQ and more. 

Media will not show it, but we see numerous of videos of Russian military helping the people, giving them food, escorting them to safe places. Reports are coming that they found and saved thousands of children under the Labs and from other underground facilities. 

There is increasing evidence that an elite pedophile ring uses adoption to enter children into child sex trafficking, with many of the children disappearing without a trace. See, Putin Bans U.S. Adoption Of Russian Orphans Due To Pedophile Epidemic.

Lucifer seduced God's children sexually in their infancy (That was the Human Fall). He is the originator of pedophilia, homosexuality and free sex. Today, 1 million children kidnapped each year that will be raped and some ritually killed. 5 million children are forced into sex-slavery annually. Do you know how they disposed of the dead bodies? 

McDonald's to sell all its 850 stores in Russia. This was not the first time McDonald’s was forced to close their franchises after human meat, body parts (mainly of children) were found at their meat packing plants: McDonalds Chain Closing Globally

The Alliance is determined to end that from the root. That concerns the elite that owns the media, so the fierce counter attacks we see are more than expected.   

One thing is for sure

If we create good events that move billions with positive visions, the timeline will shift towards the fulfillment of that ideal.

Father Moon promised to make all the secrets revealed from the Spirit World; as for who have killed Kenedy (assassinated by the Cabal, after creating a new department to bring their end). In the last 7 years (2012-2019), he was educating the Spirit World, to come and help end the evil on earth. Read,DARKNESS TO LIGHT (CHOSEN)

As Father Moon predicted: "The satanic world continues to break down. You just wait and see what happens. Individuals, families, tribes, races and nations in the satanic world have lost their purpose and direction... In the past, we suffered under the rule of satanic dominion; however, things will reverse... I have unified and liberated them all. Satan has to retreat now." Sun Myung Moon

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