The Good Guys Who Say They Will Abolish Satan's Sovereignty on Earth


What is changing with the arrival of the Age of Aquarius? 

2024 / CIG News

This is a great transition. New spiritual teachers emerge. The key words in this age are Knowledge and Education. As the Principle points, THE EVIL DECLINES ABSORBED BY THE MORE GODLY FORCES

This process of bringing everything outs has its positive and negative aspects. They will teach things that are extremely harmful and false, as well as many true things that will come out.

Aquarius puts everything possible as knowledge on the table and one must choose. To choose wisely to sift the truth. We must learn to choose correctly what is true and what is false. Because everything is in front of you. Nothing will be hidden. 

The Aquarius illuminates. Knowledge is no longer forbidden. But knowledge can be used to manipulate and harm while other knowledge is suppressed.

We see how this is expressed in the unprecedented Disclosures and Awakening taking place. But understanding even better then us these cosmic principles, the Satanic side is quick to adjust and themselves take lead in this Awakening process and keep their control of the narrative. 

In this transition we see how both sides, GOOD AND EVIL WORK TOGETHER TO ABOLISH THE OLD WORLD PARADIGM. This cosmic transformation pushes them to take off their old skin. As a result we see, THE SATANIC SYSTEM ITSELF IS CLEANING THEIR OLD GUARD.

What is the purpose of those who lie to us? They want to entangle us in their spiderwebs. They want to gain control over our minds using technology. To take us away from God, towards materialism. They now use AI to achieve that. See, THE MACHINE FOLLOWING LUCIFER'S PLAN FALLING

This is really AN ILLUSION SO VAST THAT ESCAPES OUR PERCEPTION. This extreme use of psychological manipulation makes it very difficult to distinguish who are the real good actors. (See, THE DECEPTION of THE AWAKENING). But let's take a look at those who claim that position of saviors from the old Satanic Matrix.

The White Knights

This is the term used for the legal team that successfully won many court cases against the high levels of corruption. Many of them gave their lives, but they fought legally to change the system. Please see the documentary of their work. Here is the real fight. Watch from 54 min to the end.

The White Knights are the ones insisting on removing income tex. They succeeded to prove in court that Taxation is illegal and IRS is a private, foregone corporation. The problem was, Deep State structures neglected court rulings and protected the Cabal Corporation. 

Kim of the Global Repository

After in 1999 Lucifer left the position of leading them, his structures on earth went into internal chaos. Some of the top figures, receiving Lucifer's directions, were replaced. Kim Goguen took over that position, claiming she now works under God, "The Source". But the lower structures didn't follow her directions as they followed the previous Dark Musters. Consequently, the Enforcement of the Global Repository eliminated many of the intermediary levels between them and the low level operatives. UNN last report said:

"Only 6 of the Die-Hard Deep State Generals still remain. Most of the others walked away, because they saw the Plan was an epic failure. These are the people ordering around your governments and running the Main Stream Media." UNN News

Is Kim really on God's side? She is divorced, and says she needs no husband. Recently she said homosexuals can use artificial wombs to have children. She said 'Source' created good and evil, to have balance between them. She offered such balance to the bad guys, to either rule the Earth together with mutual benefits, or exchange for a periods of time. (Her words) Insane! So it seems, she is under the control of the same evil AI that controlled the earth for thousands of years, just trying to retain its power. 

But, could it be, that Lucifer is using her to dismantle the evil network he created, expanded and sophisticated for his thousands of years of reign. At least, that's what God asked him to do, before expecting forgiveness, Dr. Lee explained in a message from the Spirit World. 

Her reports give light on how the control levels from Lucifer down to the Banking Mafia, Secret Service and Military, were structured and worked. How all these levels of control were gradually removed in the last 10-20 years. How from top and from bottom, these structures are now fighting for who has control to give allocations for new money. And recently, how good scientists joined forces with Global Repository to mass produce incredible new technologies that will immensely benefit human life. See, NIKOLA TESLA: THE WORLD IS ON THE EVE OF AN ASTONISHING REVOLUTION

The WH Military Alliance

Still not sure if we can trust them, but at least the White Hat Military Alliance exposes these problems and claims to be working to end that evil. Yes, they can be another controlled opposition, yet we have no chance but to believe that such good people exist. 

SG talks about purging events held by the White Hat Alliance. Recently we saw a water treatment plant that makes the chemicals which are used to treat commercial water supplies being burned all the way to the ground. It was producing tremendous amount of poison that was goin into our system. And now is not capable of doing that. Many of the food production factories were also attacked. Especially those producing meat for McDonald's. (Video: Storing food underground. Created Food Shortages. Airplanes fell on food production plants)

"We are in a very accelerating part of the war, SG said. They are exposing themselves left and right. We have infiltrated key positions and taken over certain arenas... where the control is emanating from. We are draining them of what they have financially. We are destroying their military equipment all over the world. We are decapitating their cartel and mercenary network. We are infiltrating governments and have governments that are beginning to defect, turning on the Deep State Cabal. We are winning in such enormous fashion. But we are going to be led out of this information Matrix, that was keeping us under control."

This sounds too good to be true. They sound like they understand the real ideological and social problems. They understand what has to be solved. Yet, it's small probability for such people to have reached enough foundation, technology and power to awake structures of society and effectively work and overcome the Cabal. At least it gives us hope that they are good.

Or not? Why did this Military Operation release the deadly Vaccines? Why they openly work to rise prices and scare people? Why all Cabal plans continue with full power? Even more aggressively than before. 

The Secret Space Force

Richard Dolan in his studies of the UFO myth came to the conclusion that an elite group with access to high technology and secret knowledge has followed it's own path of development independent of the rest of humanity. This allowed a parallel civilization to establish itself on earth that we know little about today. 

According to his findings, they probably live in huge underground bases. They are founded by black budgets. The visible part of it is called the Deep State but their structures go much deeper. They keep much of their knowledge secret and much of their work is to keep the rest of the world ignorant. 

This clandestine group possesses technology that is vastly superior to that of the main stream world. And they have a significant of greet infrastructure built partially underground. That affords them a high degree of secrecy and independence of action. They are the Secret Space Force SSP. 

The presented idea is that fraction of them decided to do Disclosure of some secret technologies for the benefit of humanity. Thus US Space Force was created. And they have the vision to completely transform the paradigms of production, economy, politics and medicine. 


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