Nostradamus: The seven signs of Nostradamus for the Second Coming of Christ


The seven signs of Nostradamus to recognize the Messiah at his Second Coming in our time
2012 Predictions 2012 Nostradamus 2012 Prophecy 2012 Apocalypse
Nostradamus was a real genius. He predicted the Second World War and Hitler. He predicted the Twin Towers collapse and that Charles will be the last king of England. 

Did you know, Nostradamus predicted where the Second Advent will be born, what is his 'new name,' what are the main breakthroughs he will achieve.

The most important of Nostradamus' predictions for this millennium are related to the appearance of the Messiah, a Peacemaker with the New Truth; who, the prophet said, will be born in the East; from the Orient, the yellow race; will be very persecuted and repeatedly imprisoned, and yet, his new revelation will set the foundation for World Peace.

His name will be "Moon", his wife name will be bird's name. He will be a founder of a new religion, and "it will unite religions against Red (Communism)". By 1991, humanity would have heard of him as the Messiah, but it would not want to accept him yet. Yet, he will unite all previous philosophies, religions and understandings. Wherever he goes, he will bless the families in big mass weddings.

The founder of the so called, Unification Church, Rev. Sun Myung Moon is one of the 10 new religious leaders that John Hogue describes in his book as the possible Messiah according to Nostradamus' signs. (Nostradamus and the Millennium, John Hogue, 1987).

Falsely, Nostradamus is thought to have predicted the Apocalypse as the End of the World, but actually he predicted events until the fourth millennium and stopped. His predictions of this millennium are related to the coming World Peace and the Messiah who will guide us to achieve it. This is why, Nostradamus gives us over 40 more specific signs recorded in the sixty quatrains narrowing significantly the scope of possibilities for recognizing this Messiah.
2012 Predictions 2012 Nostradamus 2012 Prophecy 2012 Apocalypse
Our most important responsibility these days

For our time, Nostradamus predicts the appearance of new religion, which will change the world. The founder of this new religion will be the man who brought the new truth - the Messiah and the Second Coming that the prophets of millennia have been preparing us to accept. He will unite all religions, philosophies... all mankind will unite with one common goal of building a peaceful and united world. So who is this new religious founder?

Did you know: The Institute for the Study of World Religions named Dr. Moon's movement as, "The most successful new religion of the last century." In just 40-50 years, starting from the misery of the North Korean Concentration Camp, he expended the Unification Movement in 205 countries. One of the major success in his work for Peace, was that he successfully inspired and brought people and leaders of all faith and religion to work together for ending Communism and bringing World Peace. 

How can we know if he is the one? Nostradamus gives very clear signs based on which humanity can recognizes this messianic Peacemaker. One would think that this would be difficult, but it is not. Only 5 major world religions have appeared in history, which have influenced humanity and remained to this day. They have shaped the cultures, morals and spiritual rise of humanity to modern democracy. That is why it should not be difficult to recognize a new world religion that appears in our time. Not just a denomination of existing one. A religion that has the ideological, philosophical and practical power to unite our past understandings.

1. It will be a New Religion, not existent before
2. It will elevate and unite the 5 existing religions
3. His new teachings will have the potential to bring world peace 
4. It will be centered on the family, not on the individual 

With its very appearance, every new religion is quite persecuted, misunderstood and distorted because its truths are taken out of context and viewed through the prism of old understandings and conflicts. But over time, the fruits themselves ( the results ) will show its real potential. "By the fruits ye shall know him," says even Jesus.

That is why recognition will seem difficult at first, which is why Nostradamus gives us these very specific signs to make sure we will not fail to recognize him. The survival of humanity and the guarantee of future peace and prosperity will depend on accepting and following this new religious leader. His teachings will be crucial in resolving all the problems tormenting humanity for thousands of years. So let us compare Nostradamus' seven most obvious signs with this Korean Peacemaker. 

2012 Predictions 2012 Nostradamus 2012 Prophecy 2012 Apocalypse
The seven signs of Nostradamus

Here I will try to dwell on the most important and clear descriptions that Nostradamus gives. Those who will dispel the nebula and ambiguities by making the description quite clear and indisputable so that everyone can draw their own conclusions and recognize the truth when they see it.

First, The Messiah will be born in the East; of the Orient, the yellow race. This greatly narrows the range of expectations. This prophecy coincides with the description of the Bible and that of many other prophets. In other words, we are talking about the region of China, Korea and Japan. China and Japan are quite atheistic and despotic in recent history, but in Korea we find the existence of prophecies hundreds and thousands of years ago, that the True Man, the Messiah for all religions, will be born there in our days.

Second, The Messiah will be greatly persecuted and repeatedly imprisoned. It is normal for the emergence of a completely new religion to provoke a strong confrontation with old religious understandings, although its purpose is to awaken and unite them. This prophecy further narrows the parameters of our search.

The third prediction completely limits the possibilities. "It will unite religions against Red (Communism)," says Nostradamus. Non the existing 5 religions can fit into this prophecy. Not only do they not unite with others, but they also split and divide into hundreds and thousands of denominations within themselves. 

A book was recently published in which thousands of Christian pastors testify to the miracles surrounding Rev. Moon. In recent years, Dr. Moon has made a number of Peace Proclamations calling for an end to the divisions and barriers in God's family, and to work together to build the peaceful world we all long for.

In addition to describing him as a unifier of religions, Nostradamus also clarifies the purpose of this Peacemaker will be to stop the Atheistic bloody expansion of Communism that the Bible calls "the Red Dragon"  - "The Antichrist", denying any God. 

The false accusations against Moon and his Peace Movement were motivated exactly because of his role in The Fall of Communism. We wonder how he did it? Through the newspaper he founded, the Washington Times, as well as the International Organization for the Victory over Communism.

This decisive battle between the lord of the Second Coming and the Red Beast is described in Chapters 12 to 19 of Revelation. Jesus showed the Bible prophet a vision in which a Red Dragon ( 1917 ) appeared, which although mortally wounded ( in Hitler's invasion ), suddenly stands up and takes a third of humanity ( 44-45. Eastern Europe and much of Asia became Communist ). 

The birth of a pure child who has a relationship with God is described immediately after the advent of Communism. Therefore he is born soon after 1917. Let us say, 1918 ends the First World War, 1919 he is conceived, 1920 he is born (in Korea). 

In Chapter 19, John's revelations describe the lord of the Second Coming ( coming "with a new name" ) to fight the rulers of the world and as the winner of this Red Regime. Thus we come to the fourth sign given by Nostradamus.

The Forth sign is the most specific of all. Nostradamus notes that he will come with the name "Moon". Nostradamus directly mentions the name of the new Messianic Peacemaker. Yes, Nostradamus reveals directly the "new name" that the Bible says no one knows, but when time comes prophets will reveal. The prophet talks how Moon and his followers will be persecuted and falsely accused. 

The name "Moon" is Korean and corresponds in meaning to Bible's prophecy that the Messiah will come "with new name"... "And his name shall be the Word of God'." The hieroglyphs of the word Moon mean just that - "the Word of God given to man", meaning, "God's Word". It is true that the Moon clan consists of millions of Koreans, but how many of them have created a new world religious movement aimed at uniting religions fighting Communism and undergoing through incredible persecution?

In fact, we are left with only one candidate who fulfills these traits. And that's the Korean founder of Unificationism, Reverend Sun Myung Moon. 

The other prophecies also point to him and no one else. We cannot avoid to mention the following fact. When the most prominent researcher of Nostradamus' predictions systematized the possible options 20 years ago, he listed 10 possible personalities. The Korean religious leader, San Myung Moon, was among them, as one of the possible candidates for fulfilling these prophecies. But not knowing much about Rev. Moon, he presented him in a rather negative light. Yet, even he confirmed that he corresponds to the name "Moon" and to the prophecy that "he will bless thousands of families wherever he goes." 

Today, the situation is different. The other nine possible new religious leaders are already dead without fulfilling the prophecies, and without bringing any peace and unification. They never created anything but some new meditation trends, while the Korean Moon created a global network of organizations covering all areas of human life. They are all focused on achieving 'World Peace.' They substantially established a foundation necessary for transforming the world. Dr. Moon was born in 1920. In his life, had 13 children and over 50 grandchildren. He blessed in marriage 400 million couples, educating them to remove the barriers between nations, race and religions. 

The Fifth prophesied event that narrows the picture is that after 1991 humanity would hear who the Messiah was. Nostradamus does not say that we will believe that he is the Messiah, but we will definitely hear about him, as well as that he declares himself the Messiah. Since 1992 Rev. Moon made world rallies proclaiming that he and his wife, Hak Ja Han Moon, are the True Parents of mankind and the fulfilment of the Second Advent, the fulfilment of the failed mission of Adam and Eve, establishing God's lineage on earth. 

Why they could proclaimed that? Communism collapsed until 1990, after which the Messiah is able to declare his mission to the world. By this time he already have build a world foundation. He have played a key role in the fall of Communism. His decades of work for interreligious unity made leaders of all faiths to recognize that he is a man of God. Now it was visible that this is a new, influential world religion, expanded in all nations. 

All the above gives us enough facts to recognize it as the fulfilment of Nostradamus' predicted Peacemaker. Yet, with the next sign, Nostradamus will completely eliminate the possibility of any doubts.

The Sixth sign is that he will not only work to unite the religions. With the New Truth, the New Revelation, that he brings, the foundation for peace will be established and all previous philosophies, religions and understandings will stop fighting each other, but find a united way to work together for God's ideal to come. Or, as Vanga describes it, "He will sign the Eternal Peace" and "humanity will come to believe in one teaching," "religions will find a common goal and stop their disputes." 

And truly, all created by Dr. Moon organizations strive for World Peace and Unification. But there is something more! Many world leaders now recognize that his teachings indeed bring practical solution to the most basic and global human problems. Perhaps this is due to the fact that his teaching really unites Eastern and Western philosophies, as well as science and religion. 

And here we come to one of the blocking problem in connection to Dr. Moon - his mass weddings. Perhaps that is why Nostradamus did not fail to mention this as one of the signs to recognize him.

The Seventh sign given by Nostradamus, it is definitely fulfilled only by Sun Myung Moon. According to the prophet, wherever he goes, he will bless thousands of families. The most shocking of the activities of Reverend Moon are undoubtedly the International Wedding Blessings, which he did all over the world. 

Isn't it amazing that in the midst of a culture of free sex, Dr. Moon inspires hundreds of millions couples to participate in these mass-international marriages. The message was to achieve "World peace through ideal families". 

We may remember that the Bible also describes the Second Coming in connection with the Great Wedding to which everyone is invited. Is that why Jesus warned that if the "Invited" (Christians) refuse to come to the wedding, God would have to send the angels to gather people from the streets (meaning, unbelievers or from other faiths). 

The International and Interreligious Wedding Blessings of Reverend Sun Myung Moon set the condition for restoring 400 million couples in God's lineage. Based on that condition in 1999 Lucifer was forced to step out from the position of false god and false father of humanity. See, LUCIFER surrendedIf Christians have accepted Reverend Moon's guidance and Marriage Blessing the restoration would have happened much earlier. 

Isn't that why Jesus warned us, no matter how great faith we have, no matter how great signs we perform that Christ might rebuke us. Bible says, he will call Christians "Evil doers" if they do not accept the one he has sent? He warned us to be vigilant not to miss the time he comes! He warned us that he will return with "new name", meaning, new person, with the same mission.

Millions more had died and suffered tremendously because of this Christian failure. Nevertheless, till 2012 Rev. Moon completed all conditions for God's Kingdom to start on earth. Since 2013 he started mobilizing the whole spirit world and all religious founders there, to descend and help that transition from Satan's sovereignty to God's sovereignty. 

Nostradamus' predictions overlap quite well not only with the Bible, but also with the Korean prophecies for the Messiah given a thousand years ago. We find a good addition to the picture also from Vanga's predictions. They all predict a Peacemaker, unifier, from the East. 

The Bulgarian prophetess, Baba Vanga, predicted a new religion that will take the earth by storm: In Vanga's words, God is one and religions will soon find a common purpose and the whole of humanity will come to believe in one truth. Read more

Here are the Qualifications of this Holy Man According to 500 to 1000 year old Korean prophecies: 

"He must unite all religions. He will unite the truth from east and west. He will be born in Korea as the second advent. He will be the second coming of all religious founders; Jesus, Mohamed, Buddha, and Confucius."
"He will be the parent of Mankind. He will marry lots of young people. He will start marrying people beginning with a number based on 36 6x6 then 36000 etc.. Then the world will come together. Many nations will oppose him but his power will be too strong." Korean Prophecies

It's no one else, but our own responsibility to pray and find out. And I urge you to compare also the other prophecies with the life and teachings of this Korean Peacemaker. 

Will this time we accept the Messiah? 

Nostradamus cited past events, believing that they would be repeated. Past events will happen again for a specific purpose. It's kind of like parallels in history; situations that God repeats so that humanity can finally understand and fulfill its responsibility successfully. Nostradamus knew very well the other old books of prophecy and took two-thirds of his predictions from them. Such is the case with two verses in which Nostradamus predicts „ Twin Towers “ which will collapse „ the sky will burn, the fire will fall…“ But all his predictions in his words aim to awaken us to our responsibility in recent days. And that responsibility is to recognize and accept this messianic Peacemaker, through whose guidance the Eternal Peace will be established. 
Nostradamus, Nostradamus predicts the End of the World, the Prophets of Capetradamus for 2012
Predictions of Vanga
For building the Ideal World of Peace and Love
The predictions of Nastradamus

The Satanic System is Cleaning their Old Guard

The Satanic System is Cleaning their Old Guard

"High ranking global elites will continue dying in unprecedented numbers," Mell Gibson said. "The old guard Illuminati are being slaughtered like... beasts." What is the providential meaning behind?

March 2024 / CIG News

In recent weeks News and inside sources report of many top players being taken out. Rothschilds, Royals, they are all being removed one by one. How is that connected with LUCIFER STEPPING DOWN OF HIS POSITIONFor better providential understanding please read our previous CIG Report: The Machine Following Lucifer's Plan FALLING

Bible predicts: "The day comes... when all the arrogant and all evildoers will be stubble; the day that comes shall burn them up... so that it will leave them neither root nor branch." (Mal. 4:1)

Know what God will do by reading about worldly affairs

These Spiritual Laws help us Know What is to Come. Since Satan will do things before God does them, we will know what God is heading to do next by observing the worldly affairs. Also Father Moon says, "God follows Satan in order to restore the harm done by him."

"Father, what is Heavens time schedule... When will the Will be fulfilled?" Father answered, "Look at the newspapers!" The fallen archangel will do things before God does them in the world, so we will know what God will do when we read about worldly affairs in the newspapers. God follows Satan in order to restore the harm done by Satan... We can know the next step of Gods work when we understand what is happening in the world." Gil Ja Sa

In recent news we hear a lot of European Royals getting sick, dying or not been seen. The Queen of England died. King Charles and princess Kate are now officially with cancer. Prince Edward quit his royal duty. King of Norway is suddenly in hospital. The son of Prince Michael died mysteriously. But it's not only the Royals; Rothschilds and other Elites in the political and the entertainment world are also undergoing similar process. Read more about this CLANDESTINE SPECIAL OPERATION to learn why.

Video: Many famous people are replaced with look-alikes

They do know that their Top People are Disappearing

As Fulford's Geopolitical Report explained; There are beings that we know as Fallen Angels and they have been removed. The top one - Satan himself - is no longer with us, and we are hunting down the last ones. They are gone to the point where they cannot sustain it. There are very dangerous people and they are fighting for their life. See, LUCIFER REPENTED: SATAN HAS RETURNED TO THE ORIGINAL CREATION

To understand real history properly, you have to understand that the entire world is controlled by Satanic secret societies who worship their 'god' Satan through Global child sacrifice networks which they use to fund perpetual wars. 

They funded themselves through wars. They start a war, or cause a disaster, then get Congress to fund the targeted country, and then use that funding to launder back to themselves and their operatives. Meanwhile they will send FEMA or other Charity organizations in the country to kidnap orphans for their Child Sex Trafficking Ring, steal whatever is left of riches and resources, and will migrate the victims into the West to work in their Leftist programs. 

But since Lucifer stepped down, and stopped giving them directions, their corrupted schemes are becoming more and more obvious. People are waking up. And seems like the very structures created by Lucifer are now working to dismantle the complex Matrix of Evil.

"The best way to bring this house of cards down is the evidence of crimes at the highest level, and there are mountains of them." Col. Richardo Bosi

Why God is free to reveal these truths now

"Formation and growth stages are under satanic dominion, and thus evil spirits have led the way and evil people have controlled the world. From now, however, good spirits come down. So far, good and evil kept rising and falling, intermingling with each other, but now we enter the age in which good and evil are separated completely." Sun Myung Moon

As we explained previously, Lucifer's structures on Earth, go from fallen angels, in human bodies, down to Satanic Covens, down to the 13 Illuminati Bloodlines (generational Satanists), down to Masons and other secret organizations, and through them infiltrating each area of the society. See, BLOODLINES GIVEN TO RULE ON BEHALF OF LUCIFER

They were the once leading humanity towards free sex, homosexuality, transgender and abolishing the family values. "We know we have been fighting against the Main Stream Media forever." But now the heads that were behind are revealed, personalized, and we can target them. 

"The evidence of who is driving this agenda and why they are driving this agenda is also coming out. So that battle has been won." Col Riccardo Bosi says.

"The Digital Army has been doing a magnificent job getting it out," revealing the concrete players behind "these agendas that are being forced down our throat."  (1:03:44)

The majority of people don't want this nonsense. "This is gonna change. It already has changed. The truth is coming out," the Col. says. "These wild funded minorities, funded by people like Soros and the WF will no longer dictate life on earth." In his words, "it will be a lot easier, once the money behind that lunacy disappears."

Video: We are at war. Trump is a war time president. Unofficial data - one billion died from bio-weapons. Politicians is the easiest to arrest, but the war is against spiritual beings from another dimension, just as the Bible had described. 

They have penetrated every leadership of any aspect of life

Who are the lowest rung of the hierarchical ladder, direct executors of the secret world government's will. These are the secondary officials, responsible for the implementation of the laws passed by the government. This is the bureaucratic apparatus that controls you. And it covers absolutely all areas of your life. 

In reality these may be simple people just like you, who are doing their job. Yet, there are millions of legislations in place to guarantee each aspect of your life is being controlled. This bureaucratic machine is there to guarantee you follow the line, pay your taxes and be punished if not fallowing all their insane rules. And who penetrated to the top of that system? Who conducts all that? 

As explained previously, the Illuminati are at the top of each and every social structure, organization, church or religion. Gradually they infiltrate, take the top positions, and usurp each structure under their Satanic control. You can easily find which areas is overtaken by Khazarian Jews, which by Jesuits, Masons or other secret societies. As Recardo says:

"These are the Masonic filth... that have penetrated every leadership of any aspect of Australian life; the politics, the judiciary, the bureaucracy, and the military. The Media, academia, big business, unions and the churches, synagogues and masques, you name it. They infiltrated the leadership of these organizations and this is how they get what they want." Col. Riccardo Bosi (from 47:34 min)

It's not a big secret that Mason was appointed as a pastor of the London UC. It will not take long until all of the Church top positions will be only Masons or Khazarian Jews. But until recently, no one even knew how dangerous these people are, and what are their manipulative skills. Most members are still ignorant of that danger. 

Example: A Jewish lecturer in UK teaching supposedly DP to second gen Blessing candidates was explaining to them 'the secret of having sex with any women you want.' Just stupid mistake, or hideous satanic infiltration? The result of him teaching our youth for more than a decade is that most of them never read the Divine Principle even once, many are using his words to excuse why reading DP is not important. And the kids never saw even the basic charts associated with our teachings. Most Sunday gatherings in UK have no connection to DP, TP and their teachings. It was surely few decades of infiltration and brainwashing work to paralyze the UK movement so much and set these invisible taboos. I personally have never seen that in any other country. 

Main players being taken out, one by one

"But they will not be around for long. A lot has been going on behind the scenes. They are gonna loos. The whole thing is gonna collapse." Col. Richardo Bosi 

The reason why we can now explain openly how the Dark Forces worked, is because their main players are being systematically taken out in the last few years. I will explain more at the bottom of this article, but here is what Charlie Ward says: 

"We are now seeing a lot of the main players being taken out, one by one by one. Whether it is Rothschilds, weather it is the Royal family, they are all being removed. It's something that happened some time ago, but it's now playing out for the public to see." Charlie Ward 

Video: Jessie testifies in court about the global child trafficking system under the Luciferian Order.


The Satanic System itself is Cleaning their Old Guard 

Just as nearly 100 years ago the Satanic side cooperated to bring down their own representative, Hitler, in order to transfer it's power in the Totalitarian Communist regime, now the Satanic side cooperates to bring down their old Western Financial system, just to be able to transfer the power into the New Quantum Digital Financial System centered on China and Russia. Thus we witness the Satanic System cleaning themselves their old guard (Rothschilds, Royals and other Elites in the political and the entertainment world), replacing them with new once - new 'heroes' and new 'saviors'

The Divine Principle explains that at each transition stage the Satan's side temporarily joins God's side to abolish the old system of control and it's first to build some sort of false, Satanic imitation of God's Ideal. See, GOOD AND EVIL WORK TOGETHER TO ABOLISH THE OLD WORLD PARADIGMBoth, God's and Satan's side are now working to move the center of the providence from the West to the East. 

"When the prevailing social order obstructs the formation of new societies, including those furthering Satan’s goals, Satan joins in the fight to destroy it... (for it) had become an obstacle to both Satan’s side and God’s side... Satan’s side also benefited from the collapse..." DP

Here are some strong confirmation that this is happening again. As Jessie Czebotar (raised in the Illuminati Bratherhood) explained, there are two sides of the Satanic Order. "You have the Dark Side... and the Light Side of the system, which has remained hidden for years. The main purpose of the Light Side is to usher the Antichrist and to bring about the End Times and the New World Order." 

"That shift has been confirmed. The majority of those positions in the Darks Side have all been taken care of. You can look up, many of the Rothschilds who had power have died. Those who sat in the Satanic Council on the Darks Side passed away. And I confirm that... those we have seating on the Council now are all Light Side members." (1:02 h.)

Why? Because it was decided that the Light Side will lead the transition to the New World Order, Jessie (Ex-Satanist) explained. But you have to know how they work together:

The Dark Side will cause the damage with fires, wars, weather magic. Then the White Side will come and profit from cleaning these disasters (Think kidnap children, organ harvesting). In the Satanic Order they call it 'the balance'. In fact it is doing evil, and then pretending to do good, while stilling and harming even more.

The Light Side of the Order is actually a means to infiltrate any good organization and use it for their agenda. Thus, all charities end under their control. Even Churches and Religious groups. Now that the infiltration is everywhere, they no longer need the already exposed Elites of the Dark Side. 

High ranking global elites will continue dying

As Kim reported, the Black Nobility families are now down to 3. Many of the Deep State operatives have a marker on their heads, she says. Despite their constant efforts no demons are coming to help them any longer. We are not in that age anymore.  

"High ranking global elites will continue dying in unprecedented numbers," according to Mell Gibson. "The old guard Illuminati are being slaughtered like... beasts." According to Gibson they are returning to their Dark Overlord to better support to coming Antichrist.  Video

"About a month ago I was informed that the Royals had to step down, signing a treaty of surrender. They were forced to surrender and now they had to step down." Ismael Perez

This process started 10 years ago: The 2013 ICLCJ Court (International Court of Justice) had found royal, Catholic and political Elites, guilty of ritual murders of children as members of the Ninth Circle Satanic Child Sacrifice Cult network. Pope Ratzinger was cote in a Child Hunting Party, executed, but officially reported as resigning. British Queen and King had the same destiny. Only now one by one they are reported dying. Truth is, they all got a death sentences:

"Five international judges examined the vast amount of evidence of child rape, torture, murder and kidnapping allegedly done by global elite members of the Ninth Circle Satanic Child Sacrifice Cult network. Catholic Church officials including Cardinals; members of European royalty including Queen Elizabeth and Prince Phillip. Teens were drugged, stripped naked, raped, hunted down in the woods and killed by European royals." See more

Transfer of Demonic Power, No Longer Happening

We've seen a growing number of global elites passed recently. Queen Elisabeth, David Rockefeller, Kissinger, and most recently Lord Rothschild himself. If Gibson is correct, Pope Francis, Soros and Schwab are next to go. 

When they die, automatically the position is taken by the next in line. If you are the next in line, regardless of whether something inhabited your body or not, still people are taking orders from them, because it's only a matter of time before something crawled up in there, and then that would be the new Alien-god human." Kim, (8:20)

When the Demon enters in them they become the new Alien-god human, that all take orders from. The thing inhabiting their body as a vessel, the moment when they pass away, would immediately jump into another human - next in line of succession, in their bloodline. 

But this hasn't  happen for several years now. Despite their rituals and evil deeds to appease these demons, no one was coming. Something has changed spiritually. 

Just as Edgar Cayce received in spiritual communications:

"In the future time, the soles of the lower realms will be completely prevented from influencing the earth and only soles from higher realms of light will be allowed to help us. Over a time this will result into the forces of good on earth to overcome the forces of evil." Edgar Cayce predictions

In this food chain of evil spirits control, Kim explains, "Above Operative Level, but below the alleged 'Chosen Ones' in the line, there were 5 groups that were established under the order of the Black Sun's Contract (covenant). 

The 5 groups: This people would be over the global group of Generals, they would be higher then the militaries, they would be higher then the intelligence agencies. These parties have Headquarter locations in different parts of the world. They have a lot of access to the financial, political, media, intelligence and military systems. (14:10)

These 5 groups have been waiting, now for a long time, for the next Patrion (Dark Prince) to come into being. In the mean time they have been taking orders from the Black Nobilities. 

"Each of these groups have been lied to by a different person that's in line, claiming that on day ending in 'Y', when they are going to be inhabited by this 'being'... But thus far, no one has been successful," Kim said. And as Gate-keepers they cannot allocate the needed percent of money to the 5 sectors of control, "because they have not received any money since the Trump Administration."

Video: Pop Stars arrested and executed... some replaced with doubles or CGI

Is Their Antichrist Masterplan Failing

According to Mell Gibson: "King William is the Antichrist groomed for this role from his birth... (and) the Illuminati Elite is going to overdrive, promoting their evil agenda on a world stage, preparing humanity for the next stage of their Masterplan." 

However, Fulford reports that William and his wife are missing in action. Fulford was told that William was a son of Loran Jacob Rothschild, who's death was announced now, but his death was in 2017. Announcing it now means they are coming under some kind of new management. (Video)

King Charles is now officially with cancer (the original long gone). Prince Edward quit his royal duty. King of Norway is suddenly in hospital. The son of Prince Michael died mysteriously at age 45. This is a very top Freemason. 

It appears that many British royals have already received the maximum sentence. The BBC has reportedly been told that a "hugely important" royal announcement is due "any moment". And Canadian intelligence sent us the following message:

"Princess of Wales, Kate Middleton, was killed in an Illuminati blood sacrifice, according to Princess Diana's best friend."

Many other, he reports, disappear and re-appear with new face, and disappear again. "They are removing their surgically altered look-alikes, or preventing them from replacing figures who have been removed," he Fulford says. Among them, the mask actor playing Pope Francis was apprehended. Nath Rothschild also seems to have disappeared.

"You have a lot of people that are alleged Rothschild Royalties; You've got the King of Spain, King of Jordan, the King of Saudi Arabia and other Kings, Queens and their families. All of these families together are all Rothschild Families. And that's for at least 200 years now. They are all related to that Bloodline. So, are the Black Sun Cult now taking down the Rothschild Royalties?" UNN news

Add to the picture the apparent economic and social collapse, all is part of their plan for transition to a new order. All pre-planned by the order, and all aligned to adjust to God's moves. Yet, at the end, no matter what Satanists do, it all turns out for the fulfilment of God's Will. 

The very fact that they always strive to make their own Physical Mind version of what God is to do, automatically ends up in them setting the external foundation for the next stage in God's providence. Just as the External Physical Mind humanistic Enlightenment was followed by the Internal Spirit Mind wind of spiritual revival and Reformation, once the culmination of the external technological progress and the internal Revolution of Heart meat, God's Ideal inevitably will be realized on earth. 

Who is Replacing the Oligarchs

As we heard in the UNN news, "Each of these Families have a Family Head. Predominantly most of these Family Heads resided in Italy, or in Europe. They are heavily tided to the Catholic Church - the Jesuits. You have every Mafia on the planet underneath their umbrella. Including every gang underneath those Mafias." So we are talking about millions of people. The line under them is enormous. 

Thousands upon thousands are dropping dead suddenly, or dying in their sleep. We know it was Trump who push that Deadly Vaccine. Why? Who is the real target of this Military operation? Are they fulfilling the Cabal's agenda for reducing humanity? Or are they cleaning their old guard, no longer needed? I guess, both! 

According to Kim, they are all just following the script of this Evil Plan. Many even sincerely believe they are fighting the Evil, while in fact they do nothing but keep planning the next evil. 

"The Silent Circle did take out the Heads of each of those Families, Kim explains. But strangely she observes the lower ranks continuing to work on the previous Evil Plan, now under their umbrella. (2 min

The situation now, Kim explained, is that all operatives are running around like chickens without heads, not knowing what to do, because no one is there to give them orders. They are all waiting for the phone call and the payment, but neither is coming. 

According to Judy Byington: "The Space Force has everything under control!: The Deep State (DS) money will be used up quickly; All DS gold has already been confiscated (Vatican etc.): Wall Street, Washington DC, Vatican and City of London - all dead; OPERATION DEFEND EUROPE. (Started March 17, 2020 took over Vatican, seizing all the Rothschilds Central Banks; Brexit stripped the Royals of all assets) (19:45)

About the SSP people (Secret Space Force), "we don't have many of the higher ranking once left," Kim said on 14, Feb. 2024 News. Last night she reported only 4 of them being alive, and not for long. Hundreds of SSP operatives attending meeting with the Global Repository to discuss the Wellness Program for restoration of humanity. 

"The United Nations has closed its European plant in Geneva due to energy costs. The UN is closing all over the world because it has proved corrupt, dysfunctional and undemocratic. More than 50 countries have stopped paying the United Nations. Some are calling for radical reforms." Fulford

Do Operatives Awake and Hunt the Top Levels of the Pyramid, or are Still Following the Evil Plan

The internal war within the Satanic Cabal controlling the earth is escalating. UNN just reported that, "The United States is under attack by 17 of its own Military Bases. They are planning a Terrorist like events in number of cities. In fact, they are boasting of how many people were being killed in the last 4 years.

"The amount of people that are actually being killed is far higher than we ever, ever guess... Speaking with people in the UK Parliament, the official number has dropped with one billion people on the planet, from January of 2020 to the 1st of January 2024." Charlie Ward 

Kim however reports that she prevented some attempts, of these pretending to be White Hats,  to make Blackouts and blow many buildings. In the process many of those supposed White Hats were killed, and most of their top leaders walked away from these anti-human operations, she says. 

The hunt for the old Oligarchs is going on. When some claim the vacant top positions in this Satanic Machine they soon find their end. Yet, the Machine seems to be moving unwavering according to the plan. This vast machine needs trillions to keep moving, by paying to all governments and operatives. 

Without the control on Fed and money print, Kim says, they mostly pay with empty promises. Hundreds of millions are laundered through Ukraine, but that's not enough and cannot keep them going for much longer. And now Pentagon is investigating the Ukraine corruption. 

"The Pentagon has uncovered more than 50 cases of "misappropriation, fraud or corruption and diversion" of military aid to Ukraine."

COMMENT: "You can see Biden family has a big business in Ukraine. But, Trump has his own tower in Seoul. I saw it last year in May... it was impressive. Trump supports True Mother so, fingers crossed, that he wins, but then if he wins, he can keep his promise?" Or is he the Antichrist to usher the New World Order.

The Light Side of the Order Replacing the Old Guard

To transit to the New Order the old guard are either coerced to cooperate or are being replaced with actors. Remember Trump visited major world leaders, blackmailed them with files of their evil deeds, forcing them to cooperate and only then the Pandemic started.

We can presume that the New Guard, of the Light Side of the order calculated everything beforehand. Surely they are using that as a means to take the old system down (which God also wants) meanwhile they are stilling assets, increasing prices, making us suffer, only to initiate their new system. 

Video: As you can see in this Fulford Report, big changes and arrests of corrupt top leaders in the society are happening. He talks of the 12 Cabinet Members in Japan being in fact arrested, even though the official news is of resigning. The real reason, he says, is the Vaccinations. Criminal charges were filed against the government for killing hundreds of thousands. 

"According to Japan's Ministry of Health and Welfare, more than 400,000 people in Japan died immediately after the first vaccination was administered."

They also shut down the HQ of the Masons under Tokyo Tower. But it seems like these changes are done by the bad guys themselves. Confirmation for that is their determination to destroy the Unification Church and the biggest Buddhist group in Japan. Their narrative is to equate all moral groups who supported the Republican Party as Nazis, and destroy them. Pure Satanic manipulative trick.

A Transition of Humanity from one form to another

"I knew that the Deep State had allocated 500 billion Dollars to get the job done." Kim

"Facing a comprehensive military and geopolitical defeat," As Fulford reported, "The Black Sun organization- the ultimate controllers of the Western military-industrial complex- (that are also behind Trump and Musk) have issued an ultimatum to Asian secret societies: They must either agree to a World Federation or face all-out nuclear war." That makes is clear what's the purpose of this "peaceful transition under global military control," as they call it. All this "chase of the bad guys," all this "awakening," the suffering of "Pandemic and Vaccinations," just to excuse that transition of global digital control under one World Federation.

It all follows the plan. "Elon Musk wants to give all humans brain implants and says we should run off the planet. President Trump created a space force." Now they are rounding the old guard and cleaning up areas, even countries, for their new system.

According to Charlie Ward, 2025 is when all the sleeping would be waken up, 2026 when all it's going to be done. Bulgarian Col. Markov (NSA) says, "wait until the spring." He explains that all the politicians are corrupted and they will be taken, the system will be changed." But what exactly change they are talking about? In his words, " It is a transition of humanity from one form to another."

"We are about to enter a fifth technological revolution in which the monetary financial system will not even exist. (ie the monetary system goes away) In this sense, physical IDs will also cease to exist, as well as many other things." (1)

His words only confirm that it's already prepared that the old guard will be gone and replaced with a new guard and a new system. It also gets clear that the agency that has all the information of everyone is doing that change, and the digital transition is inevitable. 

Isn't that how the history of restoration always flowed? First the Satanic side will strive to establish a global one World Federation, in imitation of what God is planning to fulfil. That tells us what is God's next step. Don't we get the feeling that Satan has to move in God's direction, because this way the spiritual laws allow him to keep his control a bit further. Since God himself is moving that direction, God have no choice but to tolerate Satan side moves, only afterwards deal with the evil consequences. 

The collapse of the governments is immanent

But what the Global Repository and many other high sources are saying is that the collapse of their governments and the whole system is immanent. "They are a Deep State creation and they will die as a Deep State creation."

"The Archivists are telling us that the collapse of the governments is immanent. They are saying, it's weeks, it's not years. From conversations they are having with governments, agencies... they are seeing a complete collapse of the governments. And it's nothing we can do to stop it. It will be good to have governments for 5 years, in order for the normal people to make the transition. That would be helpful. But now they say, there is no way." Kim, (24:40)

China may be first, Kim says, "The whole BRICS thing is unraveling." They are traying to replace the failing US currency with some new digital currency, but their efforts are failing. 

And whatever tricks they are trying, as SG Anon says, "We have a completely new understanding, publicly, of what the Deep State is, so there is really no hiding anymore." "The immediate task would be to constrict and destroy the Deep State money system... and to actually cut the remainder of that Deep State bureaucracy." 

"We see a preparation of the military purging their own rungs of problematic flag officers. Individuals (Col. and Generals) with significant amount of command and control influence. This clean up is absolutely needed to lunch a large scale flip of the PENTAGON." SG-Anon (13:50)

At the same time we see desserts turn green. They are seeing green grass for the first time ever. And it's in many prophecies that the desserts will turn green before the Judgment Day of the Lord. (32:20)

Satan’s Evil Sovereignty Must End with the Second Advent

What dangers and benefits the new system will hold for us is yet to see, but I remind you of the Divine Principle view:

"Although there have been times when evil seemed to prevail, in the end the relatively evil social and political forces declined and were absorbed by the more godly forces." DP, Eschatology

Satan's sovereignty is destined to end. People will understand that happiness cannot come from external wealth and strives.

"At the close of the sinful history of mankind, nations will have passed through the historical stage in which people thought they could derive happiness form the wealth, land and people they had plundered." DP, Eschatology

Read the article THE TRUE MEANING OF THE MESSIAH. Isn't that a fulfilment of the Principle:

"Human history under Satan’s evil sovereignty will end with the Second Advent of Christ. Then it will be transformed into the history of humanity abiding in the realm of God’s good sovereignty. At that time, Satan will put up a last-ditch fight." ... Similarly, in the Last Days, Satan has been putting up his last struggle to undermine God’s side as it has prepared itself to embark upon the worldwide course to restore Canaan." Divine Principle

"Father knows the correct time in the providence. That is why he can predict what kind of time will come and what kind of age will dawn. Nobody knows when this time will come. Only Father knows. Father predicts and he prepares accordingly. Second, Father moves heavenly fortune... In other words, he moves the spirit world according to his will."

"Father once told us that moving spirit world can be compared to trying to control a storm. When faced with a storm, human beings cannot stop it. Father moves heavenly fortune by moving the spirit world, and no leader in the world can defeat Father, because they are facing a storm." GIL JA SA: A TESTIMONY TO GOD´S WORD

Numerous signs now show that 
this long reign of Satan is approaching it's end. At the same time we see the fruition of True Father's vision, to create a representative capital for the new nation of Cheon Il Gook, CIG (Cosmic Nation of Peace and Unity). This is a historic time of great spiritual transition for humanity. 

"We cannot carry out God's Will unless we turn our defeat by Satan into victory...

 In a satanic nation, we are people's enemies. Believers of God are their enemies, so how much do they hate and persecute us in their nation? Furthermore, even if they kick us out or kill us, we have no place to appeal our case. Thus, since the nation is important, God comes looking for a nation.." Sun Myung Moon

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