FFWPU claims the world will be transformed in few years
Let me remind you that after the Rally of Hope in 2020, the Korean FFWPU HQ reported that the world platform will be transformed completely in the next few years; A complete World Reset; Space and Internet are becoming the main competition ground; The Space Force projects, like Space-X were mentioned and the upcoming free fast internet.(1) By 1965 Rev. Moon set a worldwide Spiritual Foundation surpassing that of any religion.
(2) By 1989, Rev. Moon brought the Downfall of Communism
(3) By 1999, Rev. Moon Blessed millions of families, separating them from the fallen (controlled by Satan) lineage, and reconnecting to God's lineage. Lucifer had no longer right over that lineage.
(4) As a result, Lucifer was forced to step down in 1999, and God told him to dismantle his satanic network on earth before asking forgiveness. His minions on earth stopped receiving guidance. Project Looking Glass stopped working.
Without the spiritual power of Lucifer backing them, the Satanic forces became sporadic, visible, exposed, fighting each other for power, and in a mode of steady collapse, which forced them to do even more radical and evil acts attempting to keep their power.
Kymberly calls the Politics, a Hollywood for ugly people, since they are all actors in the show. "We all get up once every 4 years, and we vote for these lovely people that are going to save us... They all spend a whole year telling us how much better they gonna be, but in reality they all work for the same people," Kim says, "You don't get hired to work in the Government studios unless you are part of the political Actor Guild... What they would say and what they do is dictated by someone else." (26:29)
"Every administration, all militaries and agencies around the world (KGB was not a part of the USSR; MI6 is not a part of UK...), all such agencies are not working for your governments. Key Military Intelligence KIM
"Even the head you see on TV of the CIA is not real head of CIA. Nor, MI6, nor the Secret Service in China. No! You never see the real head... And there is another set of actors that are also hired, to play the villain in the Movie. And somebody else is hired to play the hero." KIM
"The earth is run on Timetables: Each 7 years domestic bankruptcies; and each 70 years international bankruptcies. These bankruptcies control the planet for the last 6700 years in all countries... Going all the way back to Pharaoh, henceforth the Masons." (FB Video)
"They made each country work as a Company. And they made the president as a Chief Executive Officer, and the representative of Congress a Manager. The Federal Government is there to enslave the people of that country." Karen Hudes - Former World Bank Lawyer
The Real World Government
Don't blame God! We fell under the control of 'servant' spirits. We gave away our ownership. It's a Reversal of Dominion - as the Divine Principle explains it, that we are responsible to restore ourselves. No one, even God can intervene and do it instead of us. We, as God's children, have to mature and restore our dominion over the Angels.
"The Federal Reserve is also only a political face-front from the financial sector. But they do their part in the Media. They are all part of your 'Movie'. Do they actually run anything? Do they regulate anything? Do they make any decision? Never!" Kim
"Each country has a Guarantor. This Guarantor has accepted that this construct is the sustainable model for this particular country," Col. Markov
"No matter how chaotic it may seem from the outside, everything happens exactly as the Guarantor of this construct tells it. Everything goes according to the Plan." Col. Markov
"If you think Putin and Zelensky are fighting, you are wrong," Kymberly explains. "No! They are the same people. All former KGB agents. Drinking together and planning what they are going to orchestrate for your 'enjoinment' and your media presentation."
Criminal Trans-national Organization, controlling all these dangerous tools
These technologies are in the hands of criminal sociopaths. Controlling these technology they can stage anything they want.
"This covert group, acting under cover of National Security in US and other countries, is now a threat to all life on earth." (Dr. Steven Greer)
This organization has world destroying capabilities. It's a group of people who would love to see an Extinction Level Event. They want depopulation. And this Deep State machine is not under the government's control.
The puppets in power are not free to act, as their hands are tied by blackmail from the Deep State. They fear it much more than their own people. Therefore, they will go to great lengths to fully fulfill the tasks set before them.
As extension of this Deep State apparatus, members of their Secret Societies infiltrate everywhere. This is their way of spying, recruiting, manipulating, controlling and climbing up to overtake every business, church or organization.
We have to understand that his Satanic Infiltration is spread across all social structures, organizations and even religions. All of them are infiltrated to guarantee they will not go astray but follow the script.
Question: Why is the UC London pastor a self admitted 'Leader of Secret Society'? His allegiance is to his Secret Society, not to the UC. Why is he allowed to be a leader in FF? How many other members of Secret Societies are infiltrated in FFed UK? Why the only guy allowed to teach DP (a Khazarian Jew) was teaching against it, and replacing it with Humanistic nonsense? Why the leadership protected him to do such harm on generations of Blessed Children? How big and spread is this infiltration?
Light and Darkness still coexist in our world, and only the continuous glow of true light can finally dissolve the Darkness. Only now, gradually, layer by layer, will this picture hidden from human eyes begin to emerge, revealing the monstrous crimes of the protégés of the deep state, as a result of which the pyramid of power on Earth, built over centuries, will begin to collapse like a house of cards.
"The script writer puts out the script... very compartmentalized, peace by peace, to all the different actors in the movie, and then he would have paid for it. By him, I mean, Marduk (Marduk - "Lord of the Sea," is a title of the physical representative of Lucifer). Then it is passed down... to the managers of acting people; the Order of the Black Sun, the Order of the Dragon folk, and others down the road. But again, they are just hired to do the duty of administrative things." KIM
The world is now waking up to the other dimensional nature of this occupying force. As the Principle explains, even Satan used physical objects to work through. (See, How Real and Evil is Satanism Today)
3. The Planet was Run by Corporations
"We gonna get into a deep dive shortly, on the nature of the Corporations that run this planet... for the next few weeks and months will bend your mind." Col. Riccardo Bosi
"All law applies only to corporations, period! There is no law that applies to you personally, so consequently the system has made each one of you a Corporation (with all capital letters). Because, there is no law over you." The Magical Matrix
They were told in the ancient world to listen to their 'god', Saturn, the god of the occult law, who is in charge of and controls all occult law in the universe. All our system is based on occult mystical words and terms, going back to the planet Saturn, representing SATAN, going back to the Phoenician Canaanite system of Banking.
Video: There are no poor countries. There are over exploited countries. Their resources are stollen by the Global Central Banking Mafia owned privately by the Rothschilds.
A fraudulent institution designed to drain the wealth of the masses and funnel it into the pockets of the elite
Former IRS agent: "The Federal Reserve is a non auditable private Banking Cartel. They are collecting 36 million dollars an hour."
"What we are dealing with, literally, is a Cult that has taken over control of the Western world via the Financial System." Fulford Report
80% of all taxes, of all nations, were going in their private account in Switzerland. Paying the debts of them printing the money from nothing. That's why nations never had enough left to prosper and take care for their people. The system was designed to keep us in slavery.
"Rockefeller... told me 11 months before 9/11 ever happened, that there is going to be an event... and out of that event we gonna invade Afghanistan... Iraq (the 7 countries that didn't accept their Central Banking System)." "He told me, there is gonna be this war on Terror, which is no real enemy, and the whole thing is a giant hoax. And he was laughing. But is a way for the government to take over the American people. To perpetuate the fear of the people to subordinate themselves to what the government wants them to do. And to create this endless war on Terror... because they ain't a real enemy. So you can never define a winner. And they can do whatever they want. This whole War on Terror is a fraud, is a farse." (1:07:00)
Video: Global Intelligence Agency Report
The Rothschilds, part of the Dragan Families, also known as the Illuminati. They are more on the Financial sector - utilizing orders to make the financial system run. You also have the Black Sun Cult that worships death. They are the security, that runs all Militaries and all Agencies in every country in the world. Both sides work in tandem under the Real World controllers.
KGB Defector: The first stage of their subversive program is called 'Demoralization' which is "complete and irreversible." This is a very slow brainwashing process. Those who are fooled to support this program will be the first to be marked for extermination because they will be in shock when they see what the promise of beautiful society of equality and social justicemeans in practice . ( 17th min)
NOTE: All that we see being revealed now, about the corruption schemes, P-Diddy / child trafficking etc, could only be revealed by people from inside. The rest of us, we had no idea, and no means to expose it as it's been done now. See, why Oligarchs and Celebrities are No Longer Untouchable.
Why is pedophilia and child sex trafficking such a big problem in the world? Lucifer's fall with Eve was illicit love; a pedophile sexual relationship with a young, yet immature girl (DP: The Fall). Yet, each time Satan took over any civilization with rampant free sex, that civilization got so demoralized and collapsed in less than 3 generations. Even the Communist Satanic Regimes had to force censorship.
You see, Satan can never establish his complete Satanically perverted sovereignty. It is too much self destructive. Even Satanists know that they have to keep some balance, to continue to exist.
No More Script Writers
But their problem now, Kim says, is that there are no more Script Writers. Most of the uppers folks who are 'in the know', know that there is no longer Scriptwriters. Lucifer stepped down (see, LUCIFER REPENTED), his top officers on earth were gone. The leftover structures improvising or following old scripts, just what they thing they are supposed to play. But then no one comes to pay them.
"As Lucifer's organization grew larger, there would be self-destructive acts led by the forces of evil. Every time this happened, more people would seek out a new righteousness, and this is how the history of the Heavenly way has been." Message from the Spirit World
We start seeing now some big, heated disagreements amongst them, even some actors leaving the stage, Kim says, because the Movie is not paying, and some of them walking out of stage, because there is no pay. They realize, they don't even have a contract with these people anymore. And are realizing they have no any clearance to do what they are doing. Even they are starting to take some different decisions.
"It's more like a death march of the Deep State, as their power goes away, their credibility goes away." "We on the other hand... we get our planet back, we get our humanity back, we get our clean air back. I know it may not feel like it, but things are definitely turning around for the better." KIM
Eisenhower, Nixon, Kennedy, Reagan - were all warning us about this covert secret power.
"Trump told us, he was invited to run for a President. Who invited him? 200 Generals." "The Q-operation is augmented, not led... by AI systems. The best on the planet... have created certain check-points, like levels in a game, that everything has to go through before it goes to the next level," Pascal Najadi, son of former Swiss president
All media, all positive and negative, is now scripted by the US Space Force, Najadi says.
"Every media, that it was all Jewish, it is all gone. Everything that you read now or see on Fox News or CNN... is all scripted by our Military Media people. Every line... the news against Trump or for Trump, everything world wide," Najady sys. All part of the Secret War." (Video)
"All of this work couldn't be done in couple of days. They spent years putting this together, and now they are firing the shots. This what it means, to win a war before you go to war. You win before the fight starts." Col. Riccardo Bosi
"Some people think that DODGE Department is doing great things," Kymberly says, "but we see it as attempted theft all over the world, and attempted fake money schemes... leveraging Crypto. And things are starting to heat up, because the government is bankrupt... And it's not just the US... it's pretty much worldwide... They are all bankrupt." (Video)
Elon Musk himself confirmed that they are doing this because America is bankrupt. And as Kim explained, "Everybody is pretty well broke at this point, so everybody is trying to rob Peter to pay Paul. Pay for these wars in the Middle East they've been trying to get going... But there is still no war. Why? Because no one is giving these people down here any money." Are their plans for World Communization falling, or still in process?
And since all world governments are bankrupt and collapsing at this moment, the Trustee of the Global Repository suggests,
"If Governments go down, don't panic! They really don't do anything for you." Kim
"Who knew that USAID had 10,000 employees? That they were putting billions into play around the world... The Weather Modification Operation in Nevada, 4.4 billion dollars, were paid for with USAID money... for Weather Weapons." Juan O'Savin (30:18)
As we all have noticed since Covid, we are now in a period of collapsing the old experiment structures and preparing the transition into a new AI experiment system, for better or worse.
"They deliberately created a system that does not look for duplicate SSN's. Well over $100 billion/year to people who have no SS number whatsoever." Elon Musk
21 Feb. 2025, "Trump and Robert Kennedy Jr. fired 5,200 corrupt bureaucrats from CDC and NIH - The Deep State's control over public health is crumbling." the report says. RFK Jr. is taking down the corrupt USDA, banning toxic chemicals, and saving family farmers. The plan is to make America healthy again , cleanse our food, and restore the soil.
Planned Awakening all Countries
The problem in South Korea, with the president and the Martial Order, now also seems to be a White Hat script. With the court cases and the attempt of Impeachment, suddenly all the Communist-Chinese bribe, control and influence came out in public. People came out on the streets to protest in support of the president were 10 times more than those against.
NEWS: "This week, North Korea announced that the country is open to tourism and is inviting Chinese and Western citizens to visit, in a sign of peace for the entire world." Geo Political Report
"At the highest level they've been taken up for some time now. May be 3 and a half years ago, at the highest level they were gone. So, progressively the instructions have been coming from the White Hats into the lower level of the Black Hats chain of command, and down to the useful idiots at the bottom. But the Black Hats don't know it, because the White Hats understand how the Black Hats work, and they understand the blind obedience, even the most insane instructions, they will follow. So, they've been working the way down. And now we are at the very bottom. Just about every system on the planet has been taken care of. But again, it's extraordinary complex. And now is the last phase of the conflict, it has to transition to conventional war." (12:34)
"The first tangible change that we need to see is a more moral people... (who) see the cost of immorality... Who see the difference of right and wrong; who can think, speak and act to advance the right and eradicate the wrong. So what I want to see until the end of this 2025 is this shift in morality." Col. Riccardo Bosi
"But remember one thing, this is all a Pantomime. All of the bad guys, all of the evil was taken out 4-5 years ago. We are watching it play out. It could not be done in real time. It's way too dangerous. They would have tried to kill him. It had to be done this way... You had all the signs that it's a movie... God is in control." Charlie Ward
"We have essentially won this war, we are just waiting for these last moves to play out. They are finished. Their control structure was dependent on deception and being able to hide... dependent on control of the narrative, control of information. All of that has been lost. They have completely lost control." SGanon
AI as a Truth Seeker
"DOGE is uncovering all kinds of fraud. And of course, that's what you usually get at the end of Empire. You see fraud at the very end. The scope of what they are uncovering, just in this point, is mind blowing. The more they dig out, the more truth is gonna come out." (V1)
"AI will quickly surpass the human ability to control it... AI should be maximally truth seeking and also curious... to see humanity develop. Humanity is more interesting, than no humanity," Musk says.
"CIA/USAID has been behind the nuclear proliferation to dictators, behind the worldwide drug trafficking networks, behind the child trafficking... The prosecution phase is going to be worldwide. Cleaning is coming and USAID is just one key that opens that door." WTP News
"We are saving the world from a radical left philosophy that will destroy this country and when this country is done, the rest of the world will follow."Trump, C-SPAN2
"When these trials happen, there is a thousand, a million pieces of information. We need to allow the public to mentally take in, digest, and process." (26:46)
"This could be huge for catting waist. Getting rid of bureaucratic debt weight... But let's be real. Any time you consolidate this much power, you've got to ask... Who is really calling the shots? How much control does Musk have? Is this starting efficient government or the ground work for AI driven oversight?" (19:54)
The (20:47) min of this interview between Musk and his Arab investors makes it clear; "DOGE is going to move to AI, and finally gonna conclude with Boring Cities (meaning Smart Underground Cities)."
"Rothschild Family seems to be fencing themselves right now as the King maker. They tried to ratify Trump and other heads of states. People go on like it actually happened, but at the end they cannot pay the bills. Because, again, they were only managers of the paper currency system."
"All of these people, claiming they control something, while in reality they control nothing... They were just puppets on the string, just as all the rest of us."
"The Trump's Operatives are now trying to reclaim the assets from all of these various countries, thinking that US assigned them. No, you didn't! You just became the front guy for the World Government."
"We keep coming back against certain Banking entities. We come back against... the Rockefeller Clan... A lot of these groups that are being defunded right now are creations out of Rockefeller's operations, going all the way back to World War II. And that's what Trump is targeting, defunding, pulling off the table... And now we get to the Gold." Juan O'Savin (48:17)
Fulford says, he is being told by the Military that the real Trump is hidden in the Military Base, and stated that the main Double of Trump was killed in the recent helicopter crash, and the Cabal has another Trump double playing on their side. Remember Najadi declaring that the real Trump was killed decades ago and replaced with Rothschild's puppet. The US Space Force, he claims, arrested him and placed one on their side. He got intel that Musk was also replaced.
Recently Fulford reported:
"US Space Force sources confirm that the white hats have regained control of the White House and replaced the dark hat avatars of President Donald Trump and Elon Musk, who temporarily took control...after Trump's avatar was killed in a helicopter crash and he was temporarily replaced."
That means few things:1. Without Lucifer the Satanic players are fighting each other.2. They are cooperating with God's side to abolish the old system3. Many of them are getting somewhat aware of God's Ideal
Since True Father (Rev. Moon) mobilized all Presidents in the spirit world, do you think they work with us and Mother, or they have to come down and work with the Presidents? (The Presidents) Therefore, the world leaders, pushed by the spirit world, will do their job in cleansing the satanic structures on earth. Inevitably, those who are good will come to support the Culture of Heart. So the way for restored nations will open wide. See, THE TRUE MEANING OF THE MESSIAH
"Once we have humanoid robots and deep intelligence, you can have infinite products and services available... It can provide any product, any service. There is really no limit to the economy at that point. It can make anything. At that point, will the money even be meaningful? I don't know, may not be... Anyone will be able to have all the products and services that they want." Elon Musk (37:17)
"In the sequence of ideocracy, where they are too busy with career to have kids, and they keep postponing... until they are too old to have kids." Elon Musk
Just as the Divine Principle explains, technological progress should create the comfortable external environment for building God's Ideal Kingdom on Earth. That should be centered on the internal Revolution of Heart and Consciousness.
"By the end of 2025 people are actually really start to see this shift in morality, and how much nicer this world is gonna be when is a more moral place." Col. Riccardo Bosi
How we become moral people? As Father Moon was teaching, Family is the 'School of Love' and the place our Conscious is developed. All nations, media, politics, education, should support and protect the family values. This is the key for a brighter future and a peaceful world.
Another key point is our connection to God. We are entering the era of attending substantially the Heavenly Parent, the Holy Mother Han explained. God's love will become the center of our lives. The way we experience God and his love can be fully expressed is in the family, were we become united in love and joy, perfecting the 4 Realms of Heart; Children's love, Siblings' love, Conjugal love and Parental love. Expanding the foundation of such true families is the base for building God's Ideal, Peaceful world.
At that point, there will be no more borderlines on earth. That means people will be able to move around anywhere they wish, just as they were created to do. This will be the case both on earth and in spirit world-there will be no boundaries. Spirit world will be able to come to earth anytime it wishes." Sun Myung Moon
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