2025 Predictions: Year of Transformation
With the fast changes occurring in the spirit world we cannot but expect to see corresponding effects in the physical realm.
CIG Predictions / Jan. 2025 /
2025 is the year of the Blue Snake. "Snakes will clash with the guardian deities," and "that usually means a year of tumultuous luck." The snake represents wisdom, mystery, and transformation... letting go of the old to embrace the new. And observing the external political events we cannot deny that we are witnessing a domino effect of nations attempting to exit the existing system in search for a new paradigm."The time will come when those who are downtrodden will demand their doom. The old systems will fade, and new lights will rise, offering hope to the weary." Edgar Cayce
"Washington DC on Lockdown with fences, 11,800 National Guard."
According to this directive of Donald J. Trump, from 4 Jan. 2025, "Any government corporate body - including police, judges lawyers... must cease immediately.
"Effective immediately, all US government and gov. corporations are hereby dissolved due to breach of oath. All statutory and foreign laws are also dissolved. The only legal frameworks remaining in effect are Constitutional Law... and established Common Law." (3:08)
"As we reported earlier, governments are also expected to fall in Germany, France, Japan, Korea, and elsewhere in the near future." Benjamin Fulford
One way or another the events in different countries are connected with this upcoming shift. And yet, the reaction is fierce. The Frequency War is real.
Video: If you didn't notice, we are in the midst of War carried with Direct Energy Weapons. Cars melted while nothing burns around. Fire-proved houses burn from inside, while trees around stay intact. (1) Numerous recorded loud Booms, and explosions. (2) Living areas separated miles burn to the ground, while nothing in between is effected. Beams of light from the sky - people are learning to recognize when Direct Energy Weapons are used.
Governments were Corporate Fiction
"They didn't want us auditing them. They didn't want us to know that they are just Corporation - a corporate fiction, that they don't have jurisdiction over us. We hand them jurisdiction," Miki Klann explained. This is false, phony, fake, counterfeit government built on Corporate Law, not the Constitution. They are not here to protect our human rights.
They are signed under the Corporation. They knew so many ways to blackmail or threaten you. Look at how they invaded us. They are not our authority. Ask in the court, "What statutes and regulations are applicable to me as a living man/woman?" Guess what, "there is not even a single statute in the Corporate Structure that applies to you." (49:40)
Imposing Illegal Rules and Regulations
The Chevron Case 22-451: Supreme Court proclaimed them Illegal and Unconstitutional
This is huge! All of these Agencies, including Department of Education, Department of Moto Vehicles... obligated us with their own laws and rules; what you can and cannot do. For example that you have to have registration, Driving License and Insurance to drive. Now the Supreme Court stated that all these lows and regulations of these institutions were unconstitutional. Their laws were not pass by elected officials. (2)
Recent Key Decisions of Supreme Court overturning the Chevron Deference that granted radical levels of power to Federal Agencies, thus placing bureaucrats in charge of the country. These out of control agencies were able to create rules out of thin air, and force you to comply. It was bluntly unconstitutional and caused immeasurable harm to everyone. (3)
All Courts were Banks
All Courts are Banks, all Statutes are Bonds. It's all about money in exchange for trafficking the living man. Who protects the corrupt politicians, pharmaceutical companies and tech giants? Who protects the Deep State Cabal Elites in every country around the planet? Answer: Lawyers!The International Bar Association Lawyers work for and were credited by foreign entities of the Roman Vatican Empire in collusion with the Pope, Queen and Henry the VIII in the 1500s. In the 1800s the United States Corporation crafted a new branch of the Bar Association.
The illegal practices of all judges, Lawyers and those who enforce the illegal procedures of the NULL and Void dead Corporation Entities (Vatican, Royal Crown, US Corp) are and will be subject to arrest for Crimes Against Humanity and punished under all rightful laws of coercion and unlawful actions in Military Courts.
All courts are corrupted. Every person that is part of the BAR is a foreign entity that was trespassing on human rights. They have been working under massive fraud, under the cover of law for a long time throughout the world in every country. They protect fraud elections, illegal practices by politicians, corporations, tech Giants, Pharmaceutical companies and ELITES that run the world.
We have no contract with this Unlawful Broken Corporation and associates of the BAR and their counterparts. You are not a property or subject to these false Entities. Whoever claims you are property and whoever states they have a contract on your life in the private side or corporate side are deceiving you. No such contract exists. End Game!
More and More Nations Exiting this Matrix
We are seeing a domino effect. More and More Nations Follow this Process. It's happening in Trinidad and Tobago where Prime Minister announced resignation. Romania's Democratic party which 'won' the elections also stepped down. And also in Austria the Chancellor resigned. Not a coincidence that this is happening around the world at the same time. (22:43)"What's actually happening is the Western version of the collapse of the Soviet Union. Regimes are falling in Germany, France, the US, the UK, Japan, South Korea, etc. In the coming weeks and months, many countries will likely cease to exist, including South Korea, Iraq, Syria, Saudi Arabia, etc. In fact, in a sense, what we are witnessing is the collapse of the Western Roman Empire after nearly 3,000 years of existence." Fulford Report
"There is no longer a regime in Syria. Under the leadership of Turkey, a new era of “one nation, one flag, one homeland” has begun. This sets a precedent for all countries in the region." Turkish Media
"In South Korea we have the president and all bunch of former handlers for the Khazarian Mafia in that country being arrested. And we gonna see unification there peacefully." (49:34)
But something deeper is happening here, Ben Shaprio says, because this sort of constitutional crises is now taking place in a variety of countries: Israel, Hungary, Brasil etc. You can also see the cleaning process that started now in the US; cleaning bureaucracy, cleaning FBI etc.
Mon. 6 Jan. 2025 Trudeau resigns, and at least 4 Canadian provinces want to join the US.
“The corruption system in Romania has shown its true colors by making a pact with the devil,” he claims.
We have also credible reports now suggesting that a joint multinational coalition military operation is liberating the undergrounds in the regions of Africa like, Ethiopia, Somalia, Kenya, Tanzania and others. Looking at this developing in the last 8 weeks, SGanon says,
"It's my opinion that we now have a movement in respect to dethroning the Cabal across the African continent... liberating them from the net that they've been caught in for a very long time. We can clearly see that this is a cros-continental operation happening in Africa."
The Collapse of Big Pharma
Slovakia is the latest country to claim that "vaccines are an act of bioterrorism." It was found that Covid was a bio-weapon attack with produced based on snake poison. Article on the website of the World Economic Forum from 2015 explains how by using poison they can improve the state of the world. (Video)
This is a turning point in human history. Decades of lies, suppressed cures, and profit-driven manipulation are finally being exposed.
Dr. Lee in his messages from the spirit world had revealed Satan's hand behind all sicknesses, but only now the veil of ignorance has been lifted, revealing how these illnesses were perpetuated to maintain control and wealth at expense of human's well-being.
With the old system dismantled, the era of medical tyranny will be over. The awakened people are stepping forward to rebuild healthcare from the ground up. Suppressed treatments and revolutionary breakthroughs are being unleashed. This is a reclamation of humanity's right to health and freedom.
Watergate was about Pedophilia
"Watergate was a smokescreen, a warning from the Deep State to any politician daring to expose the pedophile network controlling Washington. Nixon's downfall was a brutal message: stay silent, or be destroyed." (37:18)
The Evil Force behind this network operated in the shadows for decades, compromising politicians, and using child trafficking as their ultimate weapon of control. A retired NYPD detective uncovered identical child sex rings worldwide; Australia, UK, US - all connected.
"Rothstein confirmed that intelligence agencies like the CIA and MI6 are not protecting nations but instead facilitating human trafficking, blackmail, and child abuse to keep the global elite in power."
The matrix Lucifer created is a very encapsulated ego-system, that has trapped all of us, and it's very difficult to brake out of that. Especially the sexual sin, that Satan used to control the leaders, brake the foundations of the society, which are 'true love' and 'family', and separate us from God. There are spiritual strings that hold us, plus the desire to continue to enjoy the sinful pleasures that matrix is delivering for us.
Pedophile Cult runs the UK
After showing a big list of Democrats being recently charged or arrested for pedophilia, Alex Jones said, "Labor has been the key to the Pedophile Rings that control the MI6 in UK. For 60-70 years it's been known that Pedophile Rings run it. So it turns out, Pedophile Cult runs the UK." (7)
"This is just the last few weeks, the arrests of all these Labor Party officials... how are they in so many different Sex Cults... That's why exposing the Pedophile Rings that control the Government, that's a National Security threat." Alex Jones (11:12)
Governments, Celebrities and World Elite Involved in Child Sex Trafficking
With the P Diddy's case now, they are all exposed. Hollywood actors are running away, and together with World Elites selling their big properties. Fires are now destroying these elite areas and underground tunnels for their child sex parties are exposed.
The daughter of P Diddy, herself a sex victim, says, "watch for those fires." Whose houses are burning. "Explosions make accidental fires too... and then you look and it's tide to something tide to trafficking, " she says (5), this Child Trafficking has to be stopped.
Raping and draining the blood of infant children
What the Military Alliance did with those that they have already convicted - the Adrino-junkies? Reports come they poisoned the Adrenochrome to kill the elite. "They are mostly gone now," Gene Decode says. That's why so many are replaced with doubles.
And now, we see their Satanic symbols, the Getty Museum and Playboy Mansion's area burning to the ground (4), were all Elite houses were found to be connected with tunnels.
It reminds us of what Col. Riccardo Bosi explained, that all the scary events we will witness in the upcoming few months are cover up operations for arresting the last remnants of this Pedophile Mafia.
International Evil Power
If Lucifer stepped down in 1999 why we don't see the effects? - I was asked. The answer is - "we do!" It's number of chain reactions from this major spiritual change. It took 7-8 years and the whole Banking System collapsed (the 2008 crises) and is ever since Bankrupt! In 2012 they completely lost their registration and the write to print new money. 7 years later, in 2018, their military sight, the Black Sun Cult, lost their registration too. They threatened to kill humanity with virus if not bein given the Banking control, thus the Corona Virus pandemic started. And the deterioration and chaos in the Luciferian Network on earth continues to deteriorate ever since with no visible exit to give them back what they lost. With no coming guidance from Lucifer, and no financial grounds from the Satanic Covens, they still fight each other for who is to overtake the control. Meanwhile all their structures, lies and maneuvers are exposed.
Where are we now?
"A whole section of the world's poor countries saying, 'you can't still from us anymore.' So it's a fundamental shift in the world, a shift to a new paradigm and away from this Corporate Cartel Dictatorship that has run the world..." (Video)
The nations and people of the world today are waking up that we were not free. All nations were occupied by international evil power keeping them under control. The above cases show a great move to exit this Cabal, Deep State control imposed on them through infiltration. Getting out requires deep inside cleaning, which definitely faces fierce reaction and much false flags to fool the people.
Video showing how Israel staged false flag attack to use it as excuse to start a WWIII, and how the US government covered it up. All showing that even USA is a Jewish occupied nation.
The Black Nobilities
Notice that all of these Illuminati Bloodlines that controlled the world are from the Papal lineages. This Satanic Bloodlines go way back to the Babylonian Satanism. Their power comes from their contracts with demonic spiritual beings.
Going back to the Egyptian dynasties, every major world empire to include the Greek, Roman, Spanish, French, British and American, have all been completely controlled by the very same ancient Illuminati bloodlines.
All of the mafia crime families described above are relatively low-level on the totem pole of real power and influence because we know their names. In other words, they’re merely mafia muscle for the extremely well concealed power-brokers who populate the ultra-secret upper echelons of the Luciferian Pyramid of Control.
The False Jews
Fact: Those who today claim to be Jews, 98% have no common gene with the historic Israelites. Palestinians are found to be around 80% of real Jewish genome. In fact, the 'Palestine' is the Roman name for Judea, but the Ashkenazy Jews have nothing to do with the actual Israelites. Of real Israelite descent are also the Samaritans; the Jordanian Christians, the Syrian Christians, and the Palestine Christians. They are the most actual Israelites genetically.
Notice that the Jewish Khazarian Satanists in charge of all visible structures of control are the external, visible servants of these Bloodlines. Meaning, they are not in charge. There are number of higher levels that we don't even know of, consisting of Covens, High Satanic Priests, and up higher a hybrid human-demon Families, directly under Lucifer's generals. The Khazarian Satanists are way below, only given the position to distribute the money. But they are the first ones to be sacrificed and blamed for everything at the end.
David Rockefeller was named by a 9 year old sex slave victim as a Top Pedophile in a global murderous blackmailing pedophile network. "Pedophiles are in power and that is intentional because they can be controlled, and they are also exhibiting signs of psychopathology... will do harm to the masses and feel nothing. Not a coincidence that Justin Trudeau is gay, Obama - gay, Zelensky - gay, Emanual Macaron - gay and married to a trans-man." (32:12)
Some of their Satanic rituals came from the satanic Jewish Church of Jacob Frank; rituals still practiced by the Rothschilds/ Rockefellers and global elites. (55:44)
Make the connection: Why are the majority of Hollywood stars Jewish and Freemasons? Why are they all involved in the same Satanic practices, centered around the ritual rape of children? Why only now the cases of Epstein, Maxwell, and rapper P-Diddy are exposing the satanic reality of these child trafficking rings? What has changed?
Video: The Drone Enigma: The only comment from Col. Bosi was that this show is to hide and cover for the ongoing rap up arrests. WTP News wrote, "The drones are part of a military "drill" being conducted by space force.
The Occupying Force is Spiritual
The world is now waking up to the other dimensional nature of this occupying force. As we well know from the Divine Principle, even Satan needs his physical objects to work through. Clif High calls them, "The Elohim Club, doing all the Color Revolution(s)... doing everything they can to create chaos." Why? He explains,
"The Elohim Worship Cult believe themselves to be chosen by their Space god to rule humanity... that they have the right to farm humanity. This Cult also knows that they have to report to these (other dimensional = Spiritual) space aliens." Clif High
He gives example with WWII, where "Almost all the military intelligence in the Nazi Regime were Jews."
"WWII was engineered just like WWI by bankgsters that were all Jewish. One third of all German military and the Intelligence Service were Jewish. Almost all the military intelligence in the Nazi Regime were Jews. This was odd, because the whole trust in Hitler's thing was to overturn the degradation that had overcome the German society as they let the Jews in. They got to the point where they were having Trans, open naked men's parades in Berlin... such a (morally) degraded society. That caused Hitler to rise." Clif High
Are we surprised to learn that almost all Bolsheviks were also Jews? Most of the Communist party was comprised of Khazarian Jews. Only Satanists, who are devoid of conscience, are capable of going around raping and killing millions with no remorse.
Video: The Forbidden History of the Khazarian Banking Mafia ruling the entire planetary civilization... primary terrorist organization and enforcement arm - the Ashkenazi Banksters and Zionist Warmongers.
All of the genocidal cataclysms, which were meticulously engineered over the past 250 years have been carried out by an extremely close-knit tribe of criminally insane murderers and pathologically perverted and exceedingly diabolical bloodline. (6)Spy System of the Babylonian Rabbis
Regime changes done by CIA, by financing local uprisings, providing the training, the flow of arms, the camps. Same was in Syria. (Video)
The Jews in USA and England formed OSS that later split of into the CIA in the States, and the MI5 and MI6 in England. That group was known as 'The Rabbis' because it was 100% Jewish. That's why CIA was 100% devoted to Greater Israel, Greater Zionism, he explains. "There was one non-Jew CIA guy I met in over 40 years of association with that group," Clif says.
Mon. 16 Dec. 2024 FBI declassified files reveal CIA's role in Satanic Ritual Abuse and Child Trafficking.
"Bare in mind that the Rabbis are Babylonians. They are not Jews as you will understand," he says. They have kept the high technologies for themselves to control humanity. And as SGanon said, were robing us of our humanity, poisoning our genome to the point where we don't know the scope of our original spiritual abilities.
"We've got a military campaign waging around the world in the shadows, to dethrone, destabilize and destroy. A very old, very intrenched power structure that... through the control of the intel community... the military industrial complex and the banking financial sectors, gov. sector, etc." SGanon
(filed with President Donald Trump, U.S. Court, U.S. ARMY CID, Office of the Texas Governor)
Need of Restructuring our Society
With the Revelation of the Principle, and establishment of True Parents on earth, finally God's lineage and authority can be established on earth.
The spirit world now moves centered on True Father, and it's time to restructure our society based on our spiritual identity of who we are as children of God. This new ideal world is only possible based on true families, because 'Family is the School of Love." This is a consciousness warfare operation that requires a new awareness and new knowledge to be able to recrate the world according to God's original ideal. The world has to embrace the Culture of Heart that Rev. Moon prepared as the foundation for the new Peaceful World centered on God as our Parent.