The real events we witness now sound like wishful thinking, but they are already facts - they are happening. WAKE UP - GOD WINS
Removing the power from the private Cabal that owned all National Banks is impossible without first winning spiritually over the dark spiritual powers that controlled them.
And as we reported previously, in 2009 Father Moon predicted the upcoming Virus, that in his words, "It will be a great judgment. It will be scarier than Noah's flood judgment." We will be "scared" and "wear masks", he said, that's how we would know that this is the Great Judgment day when evil will be put to an end.
Rev. Moon could foresee that Satan's side will use a vicious virus, as their final attempt to subjugate humanity completely. But he could see also, that this will be their suicide.
In 1720, 1820, 1920 and now 2020 we have seen the worst pandemics. History seems to repeat itself every 100 years. To grasp the parallel of history, 100 years ago, in 1920, Father was born as the Lord of the Second Advent. In 1920 was the Spanish Flu. In the United States, we see the constitutional ban on the production, importation, transportation, and sale of alcoholic beverages starting from 1920. To stop the alcohol mafia, they poisoned the alcohol - 10 000 people died.
Now, 100 years later, was reported that the Alliance behind this 'awakening' have created a 'dry' season for those addicted to adrenalized child blood (adrenochrome). And some sources suggest, the blood produced in China was infected with the virus, that's how it spread. It is very important to understand the internal meaning of what's happening today and how today's battle for public morals and health is being held, compared to 1920. Read the full article
Now is this D-Day. Father says that in this day, "you have to use masks", giving us a sign to know that this is the Judgment Day, when the the Old World under the Satanic rule will end, and the New World under God will start. See, LUCIFER stepped down
People and members alike, have to open their eyes and see the horrible things these Satanists were doing. Just as the Evil Fallen Angels are obligated now to report their evil doings in front of God and the True Parents, their minions on earth will have to report and expose their crimes, so all the Satanic network will be revealed.
640 Doctors Claim that “COVID-19 is a Global Scam”
"Although there may seem to be a stalemate on the surface as the battle for Planet Earth rages on, something huge is coming, multiple U.S. government-linked sources agree. The secret space program is about to be unveiled, NSA sources say. For their part, NASA sources say some sort of anomaly is “affecting the very fabric of reality.” The U.S. military is also now in full war-time mode with over 1 million reservists being called up. As a result, the list of missing celebrities, billionaires, and politicians keeps growing as a massive purge of Satanists continues." Weekly Geo-Political News
"Given that Covid-19 is an entirely man-made fake “natural pandemic” psyop crisis with a patented, laboratory “gain of function” bioweapon as its disease… the entire plot is equivalent to crimes against humanity for causing premeditated deaths, suffering, and economic hardship, in combination with the suppression of preventive medications and natural treatments. Therefore, killing these people is a legitimate act of self-defense and not a crime." Covid-19 dealers
“Governments love pandemics. They love pandemics for the same reason they love war. Because it gives them the ability to impose controls on the population that the population would otherwise never accept... people like Bill Gates and Tony Fauci have been planning and thinking about this pandemic for decades.“
Kennedy Jr. then explained that “the only thing a government needs to turn people into slaves is fear.“
"The ongoing Covid-19 scamdemic attack against humanity has exposed the cabal and its top leaders for all to see. That makes them an easy target and they are now being systematically hunted down and removed from positions of power... the other leaders who are about to fall are those who have identified themselves with draconian fascist measures implemented against their own people on the orders of their Satanic Khazarian overlords." Benjamin Fulford
"We have been utterly unable to liquidate the forces of Satan because we have not understood Satan's identity... we must first expose the motivation and origin of Satan and recognize the destruction he has wrought in human life." THE HUMAN FALL
Are you ready to learn how Father Moon now uncovers all their deeds from the spirit world or you prefer ignorance, personal peace of mind? Or yes, the truth may be painful, but will surely bring liberation.
“The indictments sought are of historic proportion. There has been nothing like it in the history of our country.” Durham Indictments: The List of Charges
Once the high-level cases start coming out you'll see that it's not simply child trafficking, but Satanic rituals, ritual rape and murder.(11) That should tell you why the indictments are secret and will be disclosed only partially, at the right time. It is way bigger than you can imagine. The same cities that are having riots now are the hubs of sex trafficking and child trafficking. The elite were donating to save poor children. In fact, that was farming children. You see why Trump's Second Executive order was to go after human trafficking. (12) This is an absolute war on the Luciferian world movement.
"There are a bunch of new technologies that are coming out. There are new energy systems and they are going to try to release the patterns slowly. They will try to release the patterns of devices rather than technology." (10)
These things were all predicted by Father Moon, so please don't try to go against them. In the following years you will see the emergence of free nations, centered on God's Ideal. You will witness the emergence of God's Kingdom on Earth. See, THE MODEL FOR THE IDEAL PEACEFUL WORLD
I read the HQ proclamation about changing the world platform. Does it mean there is no such thing as Covid19? Only a war with dark forces?
Read carefully. It's a war. There are biological and microwave weapons - producing the Covid effect. In several articles, we explained who created the virus and why. Not to repeat, please read:
In the Philippines, several respected doctors died. Coz they didn't know they were treating patients with virus.
"It's mind-blowing, the level to which the medicine was not only covering cancer cures, but persecuting and destroying doctors and people who dared to bring that truth to the people."
I can't believe the virus is fake. In the Philippines coz of lockdown so much damage to the economy, so many people lost their jobs, including those working overseas. Why would the government do that?
The economy is not closed because of Covid. The opposite, Covid is created to stop the economy - Collapse the system. Banks and corporations have to be bankrupt so that the satanic machine will have no way to work anymore. And then Restart the world under the new paradigm - new platform (Centered on God).
"Once the banking system is transformed, we can definitely enjoy the benefits of free life. We require a massive cultural renaissance and the Culture of Heart is the only way of the future; The future of harmony and peace."
That's why HQ proclaimed that in the next 5 years the world platform will be changed. It's total Reset of the economy, banking, politics... everything. The army is trying to guaranty the supply of food. Money and economy are not of any concern, for all the money from the Cabal are now being confiscated - hundreds of trillions. And once the secret technologies are disclosed most of this old technology will be useless anyway. May take 5 - 10 year, but the world will be totally different - beyond our dreams. Be sure CIG (The Cosmic Nation of Peace and Unity) is coming with full force. Aju!
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