All Was a Movie Script: The Real Government and the Arrival of the The Golden Age of AI


AI & The Golden Age

27 Feb. 2025 / CIG News

Notice that the transition to the Golden Age is arriving simultaneously with the fifth technological revolution (the AI Revolution). The trustee of the Global Repository talks of "The AI Golden AI Age". What is the role of AI in the era of living substantially with our Heavenly Parent, proclaimed by the Holy Mother Han?

If in the previous CIG NEWS Report we have looked at Trump and the Last Stage of the Communist Subversion, now we will have to examine the previous human experiment systems created by the Satanic world, and the signs of exiting now from this Matrix.

The World will be Transformed

FFWPU claims the world will be transformed in few years 

Let me remind you that after the Rally of Hope in 2020, the Korean FFWPU HQ reported that the world platform will be transformed completely in the next few years; A complete World Reset; Space and Internet are becoming the main competition ground; The Space Force projects, like Space-X were mentioned and the upcoming free fast internet. 
"Within a few years, a great transition of platform will take place.. Space-X... such projects are at the forefront of the digital platform revolution. The era of instant communication and exchange, True Mother emphasizes, is upon us... Current fight... has moved to a race for hegemony over platforms. Especially digital ones... However, a unified world cannot be realized if God remains absent from any platform and selfishness takes precedence." Dr. Yun, International Director
Yes, these are the objectives the US Space force is stating as their objective, and obviously aiming to achieve through Trump and Musk. Pastor Paula White, Spiritual Adviser to President Donald Trump, also gave her message. And we have to mention that Trump also talks about entering the Golden Age. His Vice President just recently gave a speech at our IRF Summit. (See)

The New Paradigm

Now we live in unbelievable, historic time of transition. The US Space Force General explained how the new paradigm will transform completely all politics, medicine, with new energy, and transportation. A paradigm in which there will be no more wars, and no more poverty:
"This technology can be built today with technology that is not developmental to deliver any human being from any place on planet Earth to any other place in less than an hour." Steven Kwast, US Space Force

President Trump's Executive Orders... Military Law, International Law are applicable to all countries. US and other territories will come under the same law, Col. Bossi says. For example Canada already is territory of US. Also Australia, and New Zealand. "Other countries, I'm not sure, but they will behave because they would get a hand slap if they don't. They will step in and stop what was going on. The world is gonna change." (1:06:17)

The False Rule is Over

All the evil in the world was manipulated by demonic Satanic Worshiping Cult, receiving direct guidance by Lucifer. The Victory of Rev. Moon was a spiritual and ideological victory over these dark forces, that will take time for humanity to understand. Now God's reign can finally be restored. See, The False Rule is Over: True Parents are Here

(1) By 1965  Rev. Moon set a worldwide Spiritual Foundation surpassing that of any religion, only because they lost their moral stand against the raising sexual immorality and materialism. He wanted to unite them and empower them to bring victory for God.
(3) By 1999, Rev. Moon Blessed millions of families, separating them from the fallen (controlled by Satan) lineage, and reconnecting to God's lineage. Thus, Lucifer had no longer right over that lineage.
(4) As a result, Lucifer was forced to step down in 1999, and God told him to dismantle his satanic network on earth before even trying to ask for forgiveness. His minions on earth stopped receiving guidance. Project Looking Glass stopped working.

Without the spiritual power of Lucifer backing them, the Satanic forces became sporadic, visible, exposed, fighting each other for power, and in a mode of steady collapse, which forced them to do even more radical and evil acts attempting to keep their power. 

"Speaking of Satanism, it seems like it is gradually becoming the only religion allowed in the Mass Media and the entertainment." HOW REAL IS SATANISM TODAY

To understand what the new future is gonna be, we have to also understand how the Satanic Sovereignty was structured and functioning. With Lucifer as a false god there was a vast, very complex and compartmentalized network of structures and organizations developed in the thousands of years of Lucifer's reign over humanity. 

"There is one factor that is a challenge for every individual in that system - you have the commands of God. No matter how much they would like to infiltrate the entire earth... But yet, the Lord had put jurisdictions in place. So, they are bound by what their authority lies in... Ultimately the authority is given by God. They cannot bypass God's authority. That's their problem. And they don't want to submit to God." Jessie, Ex-Satanist, (43:43 min)

Since Lucifer was in constant fear, not to loose power to God's side, they were intentionally made in a way that no one can even try to dismantle that system. 

"To restore human beings, God works to cut off Satan’s influence." "To liquidate the forces of Satan... we must first expose the origin of Satan... and recognize the destruction he has wrought in human life."  PRINCIPLEs OF RESTORATION

The biggest problem in dismantling Satan's Sovereignty on earth was our Ignorance of how it works. 

All was a Movie Script

Kymberly calls the Politics, a Hollywood for ugly people, since they are all actors in the show.  "We all get up once every 4 years, and we vote for these lovely people that are going to save us... They all spend a whole year telling us how much better they gonna be, but in reality they all work for the same people," Kim says, "You don't get hired to work in the Government studios unless you are part of the political Actor Guild... What they would say and what they do is dictated by someone else." (26:29)

"Every administration, all militaries and agencies around the world (KGB was  not a part of the USSR; MI6 is not a part of UK...), all such agencies are not working for your governments. Key Military Intelligence KIM

When we have elected new administration, Kim explains, "that means, there is 4 year long movie that has been written." The script is then passed down to these agencies, and everyone else who's going to be playing in this Movie. Then they hire the actors. Some actors are in the face front, such as the Presidents, or heads of different departments. 

"Even the head you see on TV of the CIA is not real head of CIA. Nor, MI6, nor the Secret Service in China. No! You never see the real head... And there is another set of actors that are also hired, to play the villain in the Movie. And somebody else is hired to play the hero." KIM


Human Experiment Systems

The organization and the human experiment we call Democracy, was just an experiment, so is Communism, so is Socialism and other forms of government. Those are all human experiments, Kymberly explains. (21:00 min)

Capitalism and Communism are just Privat or State form of Slavery, Richard Walff explains. "No one gives a damn when analyzing Slavery, whether that's a private Corporation or the Government that owns the Slaves. It's slavery either way! And Feudalism is the same, with private Lords of Slaves and Governmental Lords of Slaves." (Video)

Non of the governments were really governing. They were only a management stuff of different departments of a world government, that goes back 250 thousand years, Kim says. See, NOT THE PUPPETS YOU SEE, SCRIPT WRITER PULLS THE STRINGS

The Real World Government includes those of the seal. The seal does not include any humans. We know them as Enki, Murdok, Lucifer, Anti-Source, etc. According to all the treaties and agreements, that was your world government. 

"The earth is run on Timetables: Each 7 years domestic bankruptcies; and each 70 years international bankruptcies. These bankruptcies control the planet for the last 6700 years in all countries... Going all the way back to Pharaoh, henceforth the Masons." (FB Video)

Governments were only guardians, nannies, by proxy only. They had to give people the perception of choosing their leader. Never was there a vote from the people that mattered. The World Government was always making the final decision. 

"They made each country work as a Company. And they made the president as a Chief Executive Officer, and the representative of Congress a Manager. The Federal Government is there to enslave the people of that country." Karen Hudes - Former World Bank Lawyer

The Real World Government

"You may think that the World Government that's the Rothschild Family, or Medicies etc. No! They are down there... They are no way near the actual World Government in any way, shape or form. " Kim

We have to grasp the fact that the World Government, ruling in secret, was not human, but from the spirit world, consisting of Fallen Angels, Demons, or as they call themselves now - Other-dimensional Aliens. Lucifer as a 'god' and 'ruler' of this world, was the our reality after the Human Fall. 

Don't blame God! We fell under the control of 'servant' spirits. We gave away our ownership. It's a Reversal of Dominion - as the Divine Principle explains it, that we are responsible to restore ourselves. No one, even God can intervene and do it instead of us. We, as God's children, have to mature and restore our dominion over the Angels. 

Under this (Demonic) world government, there are layers upon layers of earthly objects distributing and implementing the tasks coming from Lucifer and his generals. The lower you go, the more compartmentalized and partial is the knowledge of the whole Plan. Yet, all directives are followed with absolute strictness. 

"The Federal Reserve is also only a political face-front from the financial sector. But they do their part in the Media. They are all part of your 'Movie'. Do they actually run anything? Do they regulate anything? Do they make any decision? Never!" Kim

"The world is run by a secret committee of 200-300 people who allocate assets worth hundreds of trillions of dollars," according to Dr. Stephen Greer. "It has a secret government, with its own air force, its own navy, its own funding mechanism, which is above the law." Our politicians were completely control puppets, just for the theater. The real rulers are only those from the select Luciferian bloodlines, called Black Nobility.

Black Nobility: "The Royal and Nobile Bloodlines are all working together as a Global Crime Syndicate in part of the modernized Roman Empire." BLOODLINES GIVEN TO RULE ON BEHALF OF LUCIFER

Each Country Had a Guarantor

"Each country has a Guarantor. This Guarantor has accepted that this construct is the sustainable model for this particular country," Col. Markov 

The Guarantors, has assessed and decide what model of governance is most effective and suitable for this particular nation. It can be Democratic, Dictatorship, or under Religious Fanatics, in accordance with the audience watching that movie. The audience are we the citizens. Revolutions and changes of regime are also decided by them, in accordance with the Plan.

"No matter how chaotic it may seem from the outside, everything happens exactly as the Guarantor of this construct tells it. Everything goes according to the Plan." Col. Markov 

"If you think Putin and Zelensky are fighting, you are wrong," Kymberly explains. "No! They are the same people. All former KGB agents. Drinking together and planning what they are going to orchestrate for your 'enjoinment' and your media presentation."

Criminal Trans-national Organization, controlling all these dangerous tools  

These technologies are in the hands of criminal sociopaths. Controlling these technology they can stage anything they want. 

"This covert group, acting under cover of National Security in US and other countries, is now a threat to all life on earth." (Dr. Steven Greer)

This organization has world destroying capabilities. It's a group of people who would love to see an Extinction Level Event. They want depopulation. And this Deep State machine is not under the government's control. 

Video: Humans are now 'Hackable Animals" - Vaccines Nano Technology

Secret Societies: Infiltration and Blackmail

The puppets in power are not free to act, as their hands are tied by blackmail from the Deep State. They fear it much more than their own people. Therefore, they will go to great lengths to fully fulfill the tasks set before them. 

As extension of this Deep State apparatus, members of their Secret Societies infiltrate everywhere. This is their way of spying, recruiting, manipulating, controlling and climbing up to overtake every business, church or organization.

"It used to be, 40% of the Southern Baptist Convention, they were Freemasons." Former 33rd Degree Mason

We have to understand that his Satanic Infiltration is spread across all social structures, organizations and even religions. All of them are infiltrated to guarantee they will not go astray but follow the script. 

QuestionWhy is the UC London pastor a self admitted 'Leader of Secret Society'? His allegiance is to his Secret Society, not to the UC. Why is he allowed to be a leader in FF? How many other members of Secret Societies are infiltrated in FFed UK? Why the only guy allowed to teach DP (a Khazarian Jew) was teaching against it, and replacing it with Humanistic nonsense? Why the leadership protected him to do such harm on generations of Blessed Children? How big and spread is this infiltration?  

Light and Darkness still coexist in our world, and only the continuous glow of true light can finally dissolve the Darkness. Only now, gradually, layer by layer, will this picture hidden from human eyes begin to emerge, revealing the monstrous crimes of the protégés of the deep state, as a result of which the pyramid of power on Earth, built over centuries, will begin to collapse like a house of cards.

2.Very Compartmentalized: Everything Kept Separate

It depends on the narrative of the Movie, Kim explains, "but the twists and turns... have already been decided. The outcome is already determined, and that was probably done decades before these orders were passed down."

But most important, Kim explains, "everything is kept separate," Each particular group has it's own Actors guild (Finances, Media, Military, Politicians...) , everything is kept separate. Some may not even know they are acting in a Movie, others may even think they are Directing the Movie. 

"The script writer puts out the script... very compartmentalized, peace by peace, to all the different actors in the movie, and then he would have paid for it. By him, I mean, Marduk (Marduk - "Lord of the Sea," is a title of the physical representative of Lucifer). Then it is passed down... to the managers of acting people; the Order of the Black Sun, the Order of the Dragon folk, and others down the road. But again, they are just hired to do the duty of administrative things." KIM

The world is now waking up to the other dimensional nature of this occupying force. As the Principle explains, even Satan used physical objects to work through. (See, How Real and Evil is Satanism Today) 

The Planet was Run by Corporations

"We gonna get into a deep dive shortly, on the nature of the Corporations that run this planet... for the next few weeks and months will bend your mind." Col. Riccardo Bosi

What does the Federal Government actually do? Kim asks, "Even the White House doesn't belong to the US Government, if there is such a thing. They belong to the Crown Corporation." The hundreds of Departments, with all this redundancy, are not even part of the government. 

"All law applies only to corporations, period! There is no law that applies to you personally, so consequently the system has made each one of you a Corporation (with all capital letters). Because, there is no law over you."  The Magical Matrix

They were told in the ancient world to listen to their 'god', Saturn, the god of the occult law, who is in charge of and controls all occult law in the universe. All our system is based on occult mystical words and terms, going back to the planet Saturn, representing SATAN, going back to the Phoenician Canaanite system of Banking. 

Video: There are no poor countries. There are over exploited countries. Their resources are stollen by the Global Central Banking Mafia owned privately by the Rothschilds.

Luciferian Monetary Machine of Oppression

A fraudulent institution designed to drain the wealth of the masses and funnel it into the pockets of the elite

Since this Satanic System could print unlimited amounts of money out of thin air why did they collect Taxes? You pay high Taxes only to  uphold the illusion that you are funding the government, and keeping you oppressed at the same time. (Video)

The IRS was a cog in this machine of oppression. It is a fraudulent institution designed to drain the wealth of the masses and funnel it into the pockets of the elite. The income tax is a tool of theft, enforced under the guise of legality, when in truth, no law requires most Americans to pay it. (54:23)

Former IRS agent: "The Federal Reserve is a non auditable private Banking Cartel. They are collecting 36 million dollars an hour."

"What we are dealing with, literally, is a Cult that has taken over control of the Western world via the Financial System." Fulford Report 

Wars Were Their Instrument of Debt Enslavement

We reported previously, how Sinking Titanic allowed them take control of the print of money, and why Kennedy was assassinated, for he just like Lincoln printed new government money in attempt to escape the control of the Satanic Khazarian Bankers. See, TRANSFER OF THE MONETARY CONTROL

80% of all taxes, of all nations, were going in their private account in Switzerland. Paying the debts of them printing the money from nothing. That's why nations never had enough left to prosper and take care for their people. The system was designed to keep us in slavery.

This interview exposes the psychopathic nature of these Bankgster, creating wars as an instrument to expand their control.

"Rockefeller... told me 11 months before 9/11 ever happened, that there is going to be an event... and out of that event we gonna invade Afghanistan... Iraq (the 7 countries that didn't accept their Central Banking System)." "He told me, there is gonna be this war on Terror, which is no real enemy, and the whole thing is a giant hoax. And he was laughing. But is a way for the government to take over the American people. To perpetuate the fear of the people to subordinate themselves to what the government wants them to do. And to create this endless war on Terror... because they ain't a real enemy. So you can never define a winner. And they can do whatever they want. This whole War on Terror is a fraud, is a farse." (1:07:00)

All countries that exited this Central banking control quickly prospered, but soon found themselves ripped from inside attacks staged by the Banking Cabal, or destroyed by external war. All wars in history were to keep and expand this Luciferian Monetary Slavery Control system. Imagine the illusion they had to create to keep us ignorant and obedient. See, Money Run The World: Amidst a Secret Financial War

Video: Global Intelligence Agency Report

Those are not the real government. Rothschilds, Federal Reserve and others you know, are just contractors. They are all down in the chain, Kim explains:

The Rothschilds, part of the Dragan Families, also known as the Illuminati. They are more on the Financial sector - utilizing orders to make the financial system run. You also have the Black Sun Cult that worships death. They are the security, that runs all Militaries and all Agencies in every country in the world. Both sides work in tandem under the Real World controllers.

The World Communization Script

But let's be fare, that's no much different from the original script of world communization:

KGB Defector: The first stage of their subversive program is called 'Demoralization' which is "complete and irreversible." This is a very slow brainwashing process. Those who are fooled to support this program will be the first to be marked for extermination because they will be in shock when they see what the promise of beautiful society of equality and social justice means in practice. (17th min)

Is that why they are tearing down the Deep State old guard? Or is it done with really good intend? Either way, it is contributing to fulfill God's will. Just as the Principle explains, in this transition stage we see GOOD AND EVIL WORK TOGETHER TO ABOLISH THE OLD WORLD PARADIGM.

Whatever the case, now we see their corrupt schemes revealed. The DOGE Investigation exposed the generation of millions of fake Social Security Numbers not only to facilitate vote fraud, but also for money laundering - receiving monthly checks for millions of fake SSNs. Now they are losing their freaking minds once Elon and DOGE got into the intricate fraud system they painstakingly build over the past 20 years.

For decades they mocked the truth. They silenced those who got too close. But today, the walls are closing on their global Satanic Cartel. 

NOTE: All that we see being revealed now, about the corruption schemes, P-Diddy / child trafficking etc, could only be revealed by people from inside. The rest of us, we had no idea, and no means to expose it as it's been done now. See, why Oligarchs and Celebrities are No Longer Untouchable

Why is pedophilia and child sex trafficking such a big problem in the world? Lucifer's fall with Eve was illicit love; a pedophile sexual relationship with a young, yet immature girl (DP: The Fall). Yet, each time Satan took over any civilization with rampant free sex, that civilization got so demoralized and collapsed in less than 3 generations. Even the Communist Satanic Regimes had to force censorship.

You see, Satan can never establish his complete Satanically perverted sovereignty. It is too much self destructive. Even Satanists know that they have to keep some balance, to continue to exist.  

No More Script Writers

But their problem now, Kim says, is that there are no more Script Writers. Most of the uppers folks who are 'in the know', know that there is no longer Scriptwriters. Lucifer stepped down (see, LUCIFER REPENTED), his top officers on earth were gone. The leftover structures improvising or following old scripts, just what they thing they are supposed to play. But then no one comes to pay them.

"As Lucifer's organization grew larger, there would be self-destructive acts led by the forces of evil. Every time this happened, more people would seek out a new righteousness, and this is how the history of the Heavenly way has been." Message from the Spirit World

We start seeing now some big, heated disagreements amongst them, even some actors leaving the stage, Kim says, because the Movie is not paying, and some of them walking out of stage, because there is no pay. They realize, they don't even have a contract with these people anymore. And are realizing they have no any clearance to do what they are doing. Even they are starting to take some different decisions. 

"It's more like a death march of the Deep State, as their power goes away, their credibility goes away." "We on the other hand... we get our planet back, we get our humanity back, we get our clean air back. I know it may not feel like it, but things are definitely turning around for the better." KIM

The Military Psy-op Now

For the first time we see some terrible, and very obvious acting. And on top of that, all is now getting revealed. And someone with big resources is pushing actively this reveal. 

Do there also now exist benevolent secret groups fighting for the average man and not for the benefit of a Satan worshipping elite. If they do, they need to stay secret in order to avoid assassination by the Satanists, the author says. But can anyone stay secret, actually? Good people with consciousness who tried to expose something were always suppressed or killed. 

Eisenhower, Nixon, Kennedy, Reagan - were all warning us about this covert secret power.

The so called White Hats, or Team Trump, pretend to be such a benevolent group. Yet, no one can say for sure if they are not just a 'scripted saviors', in the same Cabal scenario. The only thing we know is that team Trump and the Awakening is a Military Operation, led by AI and aiming to establish a new Space, Digital, AI world system. 

"Trump told us, he was invited to run for a President. Who invited him? 200 Generals." "The Q-operation is augmented, not led... by AI systems. The best on the planet... have created certain check-points, like levels in a game, that everything has to go through before it goes to the next level," Pascal Najadi, son of former Swiss president

All media, all positive and negative, is now scripted by the US Space Force, Najadi says.

"Every media, that it was all Jewish, it is all gone. Everything that you read now or see on Fox News or CNN... is all scripted by our Military Media people. Every line... the news against Trump or for Trump, everything world wide," Najady sys. All part of the Secret War." (Video)

Democratic States Reacting with Terrorist Attacks

"They are coming after us on massive level," Former Seal, Michel Jaco says. Fires, storms, burning Tesla Cars, all in reaction to DOGE demolishing their Deep State corrupt schemes of steeling our money. The more they see their Satanic Sovereignty ending, the more they gonna escalate with their terrorist attacks. 

That shows you few things:

1. Their system was never challenged until now. They are used media, politicians, even opposition to cover up for their crimes. 

2. Those who stand against them are targeted for kill and attacks from all their Satanic System. It was always the case, just now we see it so obvious with Musk and Trump.

3. For that reason dealing with this Cabal took decades of studying their Satanic ways and planning how to take them down. 

Years Placing this Together

The difference now is that Q Clearance Generals and many of their Digital Spokespersons are telling us what's the script, and how the Movie plays out. So we can see it is a movie. And they claim, the outcome is already decided, the old System is going down, the Leftist immoral propaganda machine is going down, and a better world system will come in place. And that's not just USA, but a worldwide operation. 

And now we see the Left-Bureaucracy being cleaned up by Musk's DODGE in US. I love the way they expose the corrupt actions, as well as ideologically, the Liberal propaganda machine. This is not Trump or Musk. It's years of meticulous Military Intelligence planning and preparation. 

As Col. Bosi explained, "The speed with which this is being revealed indicates that the last 4 years they haven't been seating down in Mar-A-Lago and playing Mahjong." (45:30)

"All of this work couldn't be done in couple of days. They spent years putting this together, and now they are firing the shots. This what it means, to win a war before you go to war. You win before the fight starts." Col. Riccardo Bosi

"Some people think that DODGE Department is doing great things," Kymberly says, "but we see it as attempted theft all over the world, and attempted fake money schemes... leveraging Crypto. And things are starting to heat up, because the government is bankrupt... And it's not just the US... it's pretty much worldwide... They are all bankrupt." (Video

Elon Musk himself confirmed that they are doing this because America is bankrupt. And as Kim explained, "Everybody is pretty well broke at this point, so everybody is trying to rob Peter to pay Paul. Pay for these wars in the Middle East they've been trying to get going... But there is still no war. Why? Because no one is giving these people down here any money." Are their plans for World Communization falling, or still in process? 

The DOGE investigation has produced evidence of USAID giving $18.5 billion to terror states and 1.3 Billion directly to Terrorist Organizations. $500 Million for training over 9000 journalists across the world how to push government propaganda. Over 33 millions were given to promote a Leftist Agenda in the Press. And awarded 5 billions GAVI for vaccines that have killed millions worldwide.

The Huge Bureaucratic Machine Falling

You have to understand that your country didn't have a sovereignty. Corporations were running all countries. People have to understand that, before they can process of what's coming, Col. Bosi explained (14:00)

And since all world governments are bankrupt and collapsing at this moment, the Trustee of the Global Repository suggests,  

"If Governments go down, don't panic! They really don't do anything for you." Kim

The entire Corporation is going under audit. That happens after bankruptcy. It's transferring of power. It's been done, but in the process people have to see the corruption. They thought it is hidden (securely encrypted), but nothing is hidden by the Intelligence of the AI computing system. 

"Who knew that USAID had 10,000 employees? That they were putting billions into play around the world... The Weather Modification Operation in Nevada, 4.4 billion dollars, were paid for with USAID money... for Weather Weapons." Juan O'Savin (30:18)

As we all have noticed since Covid, we are now in a period of collapsing the old experiment structures and preparing the transition into a new AI experiment system, for better or worse. 

"They deliberately created a system that does not look for duplicate SSN's. Well over $100 billion/year to people who have no SS number whatsoever." Elon Musk

21 Feb. 2025, "Trump and Robert Kennedy Jr. fired 5,200 corrupt bureaucrats from CDC and NIH - The Deep State's control over public health is crumbling." the report says. RFK Jr. is taking down the corrupt USDA, banning toxic chemicals, and saving family farmers. The plan is to make America healthy again , cleanse our food, and restore the soil.

Planned Awakening all Countries 

The problem in South Korea, with the president and the Martial Order, now also seems to be a White Hat script. With the court cases and the attempt of Impeachment, suddenly all the Communist-Chinese bribe, control and influence came out in public. People came out on the streets to protest in support of the president were 10 times more than those against.

NEWS: "This week, North Korea announced that the country is open to tourism and is inviting Chinese and Western citizens to visit, in a sign of peace for the entire world." Geo Political Report

Something deeper is happening here, Ben Shaprio says, because this sort of constitutional crises is now taking place in a variety of countries: Canada, Israel, Hungary, Romania, Slovakia, Brasil, Iraq, Syria, Saudi Arabia; in the regions of Africa like, Ethiopia, Somalia, Kenya, Tanzania and others. You can see the cleaning process everywhere. 

Who is White, Gray or Black Hat we don't really know, yet one way or another we are moving now in accordance with God's plan. When we see the Cycles of Heaven, we have to realize that in this age, guided directly by our Heavenly Parent, even the SATANIC SYSTEM IS CLEANING THEIR OLD GUARD

Military Replacing the Leaders

"We are going through a Sting-Operation. Most of these Federal Agencies have been already dissolved." (6:46)

Video: Col. Riccardo Bosi explaining this Military operation and the gradual take down of the old Satanic pyramid from top down: 

"At the highest level they've been taken up for some time now. May be 3 and a half years ago, at the highest level they were gone. So, progressively the instructions have been coming from the White Hats into the lower level of the Black Hats chain of command, and down to the useful idiots at the bottom. But the Black Hats don't know it, because the White Hats understand how the Black Hats work, and they understand the blind obedience, even the most insane instructions, they will follow. So, they've been working the way down. And now we are at the very bottom. Just about every system on the planet has been taken care of. But again, it's extraordinary complex. And now is the last phase of the conflict, it has to transition to conventional war." (12:34)

So, over a period of time the White Hats have infiltrated the entire system and took control. The largest one of which is Twitter. But now there are real targets that have to be taken down, he said. "This war is 60% fraud and 40% force. White Hats are substantially destroying Black Hats' infrastructure, personal, systems."

They don't need nukes. They have control of energy weapons that will take your mind blow. It's not a battle of equals anymore. The rats are gonna lose. They are going down, he said. 

"There will be bombs," Bosi said, and "that will scare people, but actually that's a cover for these final operations. It will be some small mopping up down the road, as some of these cockroaches are hiding in places. To be honest, it may take up to a century to get the last ones out. Because they will hide, rebrand and regroup. But we will see the face of victory very soon."

"The first tangible change that we need to see is a more moral people... (who) see the cost of immorality... Who see the difference of right and wrong; who can think, speak and act to advance the right and eradicate the wrong. So what I want to see until the end of this 2025 is this shift in morality." Col. Riccardo Bosi

Made so Obvious on Purpose

In 2024 the official White House website disclosed that Biden is not the real president (see, ). A spokesmen for the Department of Defense came on CBN News and declared that Biden was only a president of the Bankrupt US Corporation. This was done to prevent riots, she said. See, SUPREME COURT OVERTURNED BIDEN'S ELECTION

Note: All Biden's documents were signed with Autopen, meaning, not by him. (See from 3:51 min) Now they are investigating who was behind these signatures.

Biden was not the real Biden, but an actor. His inauguration was not real; The 3 cannons, 21 shuts at 9 seconds interval you saw on CNN is a Funeral Protocol. While, the 4 cannons, Trump received, was re-confirmation of him being the Commander in Chief. The real Biden was executed. See the difference - nose, ears, eyes, mouth, chin - all different.

The real Biden (before) and the mask now
Several actors played Biden. That's why Biden didn't sign any of the documents, and they are now proclaimed invalid. Few US Generals explained they used an actor to catch the bad guys in action. See, We are in a Global Defense War against an Extraordinary Threat

One of the few actors below the mask
It's Already Done, Just not Visible Yet
Pascal Najadi also stressed, when Trump said, "I will totally obliterate the Deep State," he said that after it was done. It was not visible yet. 

"Do you think what DOGE have solved this in the last couple of weeks?" - Col. Bosi asks. "No! It's been done, it's been loaded and ready to go... And it's a ton of stuff yet to come." A lot of the tribunals were already done, he says. The domino is falling, and it's being done simultaneously in all countries. It will change the reality of each and everyone of us. (V2)
"But remember one thing, this is all a Pantomime. All of the bad guys, all of the evil was taken out 4-5 years ago. We are watching it play out. It could not be done in real time. It's way too dangerous. They would have tried to kill him. It had to be done this way... You had all the signs that it's a movie... God is in control." Charlie Ward

It is a Pantomime:

80% of the Federal Government knocked out in 2023, but only now we see open reveal through DOGE 

In 2023 we reported that the Supreme Court have already knocked out 80 percent of the Federal Government. Every government agency that have been making up tyrannical rules and regulations without the consent of the American people. It also beheaded the EPA and ended overreach of Climate Change.

This ruling was  huge. It included all agencies that were making mandates and rules without a vote. That is how the Deep State had control over us with millions of legislations, passed illegally, without going through Congress.  

To make that change possible, first they replaced many Cabal figures, then without their opposition silently make the legal changes, and only now are using DOGE to explain the the public the reasons.

Many leaders are also part of this Pantomime

No one knows at this moment who of the players is real, who is played by an actor. We are not sure even about Musk and Trump, but most evil players were either replaced or agreed to assist, playing as told. 

Video: "Elon Musk, is gone!" - Najadi said, "look at the dude. It's not Elon Musk anymore. Look at Macron. This is not Macron... They are gone! ... 30 Military forces are under the control and command of the US... US Space Force is coordinating." "Swiss territory is under full control of the US Military. The Pope and Klaus Schwab are executed."

"We have essentially won this war, we are just waiting for these last moves to play out. They are finished. Their control structure was dependent on deception and being able to hide... dependent on control of the narrative, control of information. All of that has been lost. They have completely lost control." SGanon

AI as a Truth Seeker

"DOGE is uncovering all kinds of fraud. And of course, that's what you usually get at the end of Empire. You see fraud at the very end. The scope of what they are uncovering, just in this point, is mind blowing. The more they dig out, the more truth is gonna come out." (V1)

Video: Trump and Musk discuss the vast corruption DOGE have found. It's time this big corrupted machine be gone. Of course, their manipulative work can now be easily replaced by AI. And naturally, AI can imprison humanity (expanding the control to ridiculous levels) or empower humanity with new opportunities. As Elon Musk said:

"AI will quickly surpass the human ability to control it... AI should be maximally truth seeking and also curious... to see humanity develop. Humanity is more interesting, than no humanity," Musk says.

Simon Parkes: "Now the Good Guys have access to Quantum Super Computer that they have no  access to, and that changes the game... What the good guys are able to do, is to know what the bad guys will do, before even the bad guys knew what they gonna do, themselves. That is why the badies are on bad foot." (3)

The Culture War Exposed

"CIA/USAID has been behind the nuclear proliferation to dictators, behind the worldwide drug trafficking networks, behind the child trafficking... The prosecution phase is going to be worldwide. Cleaning is coming and USAID is just one key that opens that door." WTP News

The servants of the old system are now being exposed. "The Democrat Party has for decades systematically grown and weaponized the administrative state against the people." (13:20

Max Premarac, a high former USAID official, said that "USAID was basically a way for the Left to wage a Culture War on the world; pushing the Abortion narrative, and shifting even more Left with the whole LGBTQ (gender fluidity) and Climate Ideology." (56:29)

"We are saving the world from a radical left philosophy that will destroy this country and when this country is done, the rest of the world will follow."Trump, C-SPAN2

Removing the Suffocating Laws and Regulations

Years ago, you didn't need permission to go fishing, build on your property, start business, or use vehicle. Now you virtually cannot do anything without gov. permission. Now finally, the Supreme Court proclaimed these restrictions Illegal and Unconstitutional  (The Chevron Case 22-451)

As Musk said, "Every year you get more laws and regulations, until eventually everything is illegal, and nothing is permitted. That's sort of situation we have these days." A lot of things should be automated for efficiency and coast reduction, Musk said. 

DOGE is now revealing tens of billions in improper payments, mostly for left-humanist-transgendar propaganda. They have to convince the moral majority of the people that they are on their side, only to be able to bring the Digital AI Age. 

Juan O' Saven explains what's coming. It's something like the Nuremberg Trials, to give people the sense of justice: 

"When these trials happen, there is a thousand, a million pieces of information. We need to allow the public to mentally take in, digest, and process." (26:46)

Who is behind this AI: The Plans behind this New System
Plan is to move to AI, and conclude with Boring Underground Smart Cities
"This could be huge for catting waist. Getting rid of bureaucratic debt weight... But let's be real. Any time you consolidate this much power, you've got to ask... Who is really calling the shots? How much control does Musk have? Is this starting efficient government or the ground work for AI driven oversight?" (19:54)

The (20:47) min of this interview between Musk and his Arab investors makes it clear; "DOGE is going to move to AI, and finally gonna conclude with Boring Cities (meaning Smart Underground Cities)."

Surely that's all a part of the original plan of the World Government, that was not human. But some things have changed; Lucifer was gone, since 1999, and Murdock too, since 2016? This is huge! That change ripples down the structures. See, LUCIFER REPENTED

Video: What they wanted? Connect the people with AI.

Who Will Take the Leading Position in the Collapsing Old System of Control

Kymberly and the White Hats claim that most of those taking and distributing Lucifer's orders are also gone now. Curiously, both sides claim, that since 2012 God is in control. Their Mediums, Remote-viewers and their AI can see it. So, are they shifting on God's side, or adapting to survive - take the grip of power in these new circumstances?

Here is some difference; The White Hats claim that the top-heads of the Illuminati Bloodlines were also eliminated, and Rothschilds were taken down. Whilst, Kymberly says, that:

"Rothschild Family seems to be fencing themselves right now as the King maker. They tried to ratify Trump and other heads of states. People go on like it actually happened, but at the end they cannot pay the bills. Because, again, they were only managers of the paper currency system." 

All the paper money were bills, she explains. And at the end, you better pay the bills or you are in trouble. The ability to issue such bills used to be the Federal Reserve. Treasure Department was not part of the Government either. 

The creation of the Central Banking system was not assigned by Rothschilds, and was not assigned by humans. Governments, the Secret Space program, the Order of the Dragon, Rothschild Family, Black Nobilities, Kymberly says, 

"All of these people, claiming they control something, while in reality they control nothing... They were just puppets on the string, just as all the rest of us."

About all the Elders from different countries claiming to have access to bunch of assets, Kim says: 

"The Trump's Operatives are now trying to reclaim the assets from all of these various countries, thinking that US assigned them. No, you didn't! You just became the front guy for the World Government." 

"Just because we have bunch of Secret Space Force and CIO militaries in the White House right now does not mean that they are going to control the Global Intelligence Agency GIA," Kim says. (GIA is protecting the Global Repository, that gives the allocations for new money. Something that Space Force, Rothschild, and all other powers want to control)

Renegotiating Territories for the New World Council Holders 

About the recent wars and Trump's negotiations for peace, Kymberly says:

"Remember, the Trump Operatives are there representing Rothchild Family and the Order of the Dragon, because that's their Boss apparently. So they are negotiating things like territories... Most of the world would be split up between the Majority Holders of the New World Council that they would like to install..." Kim, Global Intelligence Agency 

"They are splitting up the world and renegotiation of property ownership of various alleged soon to be leaders of the New World Council," Kim said. She mentioned Ukraine, South Africa, Syria and other countries.

Few days ago, Kim reports of a big gathering underground Philadelphia, of Operatives, with their Redemption Tickets (expecting big pay-out). "Pretty much everyone that showed there with their Redemption Ticket didn't make it out," she says. "Was a one way ticket" and "for those who didn't bother going, they are still around making promises, with absolutely zero delivery."

Civil War between Central Banks and Military

According to Fulford, this is a Civil War between the people who own the Central Banks (the Corporation) and the Military. And they both have the ability to put masked actors in the public face, and try to fool people to believe they are the real one. (10:04)

"We keep coming back against certain Banking entities. We come back against... the Rockefeller Clan... A lot of these groups that are being defunded right now are creations out of Rockefeller's operations, going all the way back to World War II. And that's what Trump is targeting, defunding, pulling off the table... And now we get to the Gold." Juan O'Savin (48:17)

Fulford says, he is being told by the Military that the real Trump is hidden in the Military Base, and stated that the main Double of Trump was killed in the recent helicopter crash, and the Cabal has another Trump double playing on their side. Remember Najadi declaring that the real Trump was killed decades ago and replaced with Rothschild's puppet. The US Space Force, he claims, arrested him and placed one on their side. He got intel that Musk was also replaced.

Recently Fulford reported:

"US Space Force sources confirm that the white hats have regained control of the White House and replaced the dark hat avatars of President Donald Trump and Elon Musk, who temporarily took control...after Trump's avatar was killed in a helicopter crash and he was temporarily replaced."

This video message says, 'The Gray Hats Have Failed And Original Donald Trump Is Dead!' explaining that the so called White Hats are actually Gray Hats, better than the Black Hats, but still searching power, and avoiding to liberate humanity and disclose everything, partly from fear of finding out their evil deeds. 

Video: Trump only pretended to move out of UN. He took the money from WHO and gave them to GAVI's vaccination program to kill humanity. All part of the New World Order plan for Digital AI control.

To have control over the money one has to have the most powerful AI. It seems that now US Space Force (using Musk) is trying to compete with the Global Repository AI. Each side is trying to convince us that if they win, they will use it to make a better world. Yet, each refuses to work with the other, claiming the agenda the other group is against humanity. 

That means few things:
1. Without Lucifer the Satanic players are fighting each other.
2. They are cooperating with God's side to abolish the old system
3. Many of them are getting somewhat aware of God's Ideal

Why Satan's side joins God's side to abolish the Old System

It is obvious that now even Satan's side is cooperating with God's side to bring them down, to open the way for the new, AI system to replace them. Reduction in Regulations is needed for the upcoming economic growth AI will bring. That will also bring benefit for the people.

Satan's side temporarily joins God's side to abolish the old system of control and it's first to build some sort of false, Satanic imitation of God's Ideal. SeeGOOD AND EVIL WORK TOGETHER TO ABOLISH THE OLD WORLD PARADIGM

"When the prevailing social order obstructs the formation of new societies, including those furthering Satan’s goals, Satan joins in the fight to destroy it... (for it) had become an obstacle to both Satan’s side and God’s side... Satan’s side also benefited from the collapse..." DP

This happens with every big transition. Satan helps abolish the old to take first the new system, and then gradually the Ablel-side has to absorb the Cain-side with the Truth, and higher standard of love. Thus, THE EVIL DECLINES ABSORBED BY THE MORE GODLY FORCES. This is the way God works to re-establish the reign of goodness:

"Although there have been times when evil seemed to prevail, in the end the relatively evil social and political forces declined and were absorbed by the more godly forces. The wars which have shaped the rise and fall of nations are thus unavoidable during the course of the providence to re-establish the reign of good." DP, Eschatology

The Whole Spirit World is Mobilized

"Evil is doomed to destruction... Lucifer and his band must not waste any more time and stop all they are doing... repent and confess their crimes." Message from the Spirit World

Both, the evil side and the good side are in direct communication with the spirit world. That's why this transition is possible. Don't you think True Father has to do something with that? It took him few years to organize the spirit world and prepare for this D-Day World Reset in accordance with God's Will. SeeREV. MOON PREDICTED THE CORONAVIRUS JUDGEMENT DAY

Since True Father (Rev. Moon) mobilized all Presidents in the spirit world, do you think they work with us and Mother, or they have to come down and work with the Presidents? (The Presidents) Therefore, the world leaders, pushed by the spirit world, will do their job in cleansing the satanic structures on earth. Inevitably, those who are good will come to support the Culture of Heart. So the way for restored nations will open wide. See, THE TRUE MEANING OF THE MESSIAH 

Will be a Very Different World

You can have infinite products and services available. It can make anything. At that point, money will not be meaningful. People will have time for their families.

Talking of the most powerful AI they've trained, Musk said, "Rock 3 comes with solutions you didn't even think of... It goes through the data and tries to achieve logical consistency. It removes the data that is wrong and not in accord with reality.

"Once we have humanoid robots and deep intelligence, you can have infinite products and services available... It can provide any product, any service. There is really no limit to the economy at that point. It can make anything. At that point, will the money even be meaningful? I don't know, may not be... Anyone will be able to have all the products and services that they want." Elon Musk (37:17)

Will AI Help Bringing a Moral, Family Centered World

"It's gonna be a very different world," Musk says. "If you don't have scarcity of resources, it is not clear what purpose money has." If we don't need money, and  AI does all these tasks for us, we will finally be free to enjoy life with our families. 

"In the sequence of ideocracy, where they are too busy with career to have kids, and they keep postponing...  until they are too old to have kids." Elon Musk 

Just as the Divine Principle explains, technological progress should create the comfortable external environment for building God's Ideal Kingdom on Earth. That should be centered on the internal Revolution of Heart and Consciousness. 

"By the end of 2025 people are actually really start to see this shift in morality, and how much nicer this world is gonna be when is a more moral place." Col. Riccardo Bosi

How we become moral people? As Father Moon was teaching, Family is the 'School of Love' and the place our Conscious is developed. All nations, media, politics, education, should support and protect the family values. This is the key for a brighter future and a peaceful world. 

Another key point is our connection to God. We are entering the era of attending substantially the Heavenly Parent, the Holy Mother Han explained. God's love will become the center of our lives. The way we experience God and his love can be fully expressed is in the family, were we become united in love and joy, perfecting the 4 Realms of Heart; Children's love, Siblings' love, Conjugal love and Parental love. Expanding the foundation of such true families is the base for building God's Ideal, Peaceful world. 

At that point, there will be no more borderlines on earth. That means people will be able to move around anywhere they wish, just as they were created to do. This will be the case both on earth and in spirit world-there will be no boundaries. Spirit world will be able to come to earth anytime it wishes." Sun Myung Moon

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