CIG Predictions: No Longer Untouchable

As the hologram of the Satanic Matrix dies, it is struggling to get the energy to exist. Now God is blanketing the world in golden light. 

2024 / CIG News

In the last two CIG News Reports we examined the Secret Financial War that is ongoing now,  and the Cycles of Heaven, showing how in this Age after the Coming of Heaven the 'timelines converge', and the satanic side can spiritually foresee their end, which makes them desperate. And now we see that the Satanic top players on earth are no longer untouchable.

Ushering into God's Timeline

The light's force energy coming in from Source is creating a natural fabric of reality throughout the earth. This is a re-teraformorming process giving new life, and disconnecting the leftover anchoring to the satanic reality. 

To understand why Lucifer stepped down since1999 and is obligated by God to dismantle the created by him evil system, read, Lucifer Stepped Down: Satan was Defeated and Had to Plead for God's Mercy.

In 12 years, from 2000 till 2012, Father Moon held the Coronations of God and the Ruler of this world, thus ushering us into God's direct dominion and authority. This was the reason, all the Timelines prepared by the Satanic Forces collapse, after millions of years of Satanic dominion. Everything now merges into God's Timeline. 

Rev. Moon declared that after 2012 the spirit and physical worlds will merge. (See, AGE OF THE UNION OF THE SPIRITUAL AND THE PHYSICAL WORLDS) And here is what spiritualists attempting to see beyond 2012 have experienced:

"After 2012, thoughts become reality, really takes a whole new meaning, in a way that you've never heard of before. What they found (looking in the future) that on Dec. 21, 2012, all the timelines (possibilities for the future) will go into a compete flat-line. The spiritualists felt like hitting into a bump, a barrier, after which you have the most incredible religious experience. Your consciousness blasts into this wonderful place where all knowledge is available to you." David Wilcock

Why Father Moon Supported Reagan 

Simon Parkes explained, that "Reagan was much more of a good guy than people realize. He was really, really, really good guy. The advancement in technologies that was put into practice during his presidentship... The moment that was possible in the mid 80s, the human race, the White Hats, were in position to take on... In the last few years those technologies have been used against the oppressor, under the oceans and in the space. And we took the control from the bad guys. That's where we are." (Video)

"Every single war is a 'theater'. They call it a 'Military Theater". Humans on this planet had never fought a real war, ever," Kimberly explained. These people use frequency weapons. Scalar weapons that they are talking only now are a joke compared to what they use. 

However, in the last few years the bad guys have been reduced to very primitive modes of operation, trying to use 20 year old technologies, because they no longer have access. And that's big deal thanks to Reagan and Rev. Moon. 

"That's the level to which they have been reduced to now, because their access to anything greater than that has been completely cut off." Simon Parkes

You remember that Father Moon met and spoke with Eisenhower, and with his newspaper, The Washington Times, supported Reagan's presidency and the start this this 'Star Wars' program. This brought to the collapse of the Communist regimes. And by 1999 set the foundation to take down Lucifer from his position of control. And now this technology is used to liberate humanity from this evil spiritual spiderweb of enslavement. 

"A documentary came out describing in detail the historic details of this fight with evil. The Military Alliance to bring that liberation, they say, is linked to Nicola Tesla. Why the building he designed and had his secret laboratory in belongs to the Korean Peacemaker and Unificationist, Rev. Sun Myung Moon? See the Tesla-Trump-Moon Connection. Other sources point the origins further back to generals surrounding Lincoln, and later, generals surrounding McCarter. You know the connection of Father Moon and McCarter. You know Father Moon made a movie about McCarter." Ending the Banking Cartel

Infiltration of Movie Industry, Music and Religion

I remember when Hyo Jin Nim came to UTS and talk to us about the importance of liberating the entertainment industry, how important it is to use any means to testify about True Parents. Do you know the following: 

Video: All the actors were high degree Freemasons. 

The leadership across every aspect of life was penetrated by Secret Societies.

Secret Societies, like the Masonic filth, the Freemasons, Col. Riccardo Bosi explains, "have penetrated every aspect of life: the Politics, the Bureaucracy, the Judiciary, the Police, the Military, Academia, Schools and Media, the big Corporations and Unions. Every Synagogue, Mosque, Lodge and Temple... All of them penetrated." (1:32)

"The devil has developed subtle and sophisticated methods to infiltrate even our churches, and most people are unaware of this insidious intrusion."

You think Satanism invaded in the Old Testament, and in the New Testament, and is not strongly infiltrated everywhere today? Think again: Read, HOW REAL AND EVIL IS SATANISM TODAY 

"Any group of 40 people or more, the Cabal will infiltrate it, every single time. They are Satanists." Gene Decode

This is how Satan works from the Spirit world, this is how his minions work on earth. They are very organized and systematic in their constant work to keep and expand the Satanic control. As Kimberly says, 
"They never install a religious leader in any religion that is not one of theirs. It's part of their little trick, to try to put as many Lucifer worshipers in religious leading positions."

"The culture of Cheon Il Gook should unite all religions," True Mother said. Since the infiltration of religions represents the evil spiritual control exerted on them, blocking them to fulfill their original purpose, first a separation from Satan is required, the Divine Principle explains. But here is a question: 

Are they trying to infiltrate UC? 
As Juan O Savin asked, "Is there people even now invading our... movement, who hope to undermine it from inside?

Why did a Jewish lecturer in UK teach the Blessing candidates "The Secret of having sex with any woman you want," as a part of the DP seminar? Why is the UC London pastor actually a 'Leader of Secret Society', Mason or what? Meaning, his allegiance is not to the UC, but to this Secret Society. Why is he allowed to be a leader in FFed? How many other such agents are infiltrated in FFed UK? Obviously, enough that we can't say anything. Their Club is already controlling all money, positions and power. They engage the project 'Mocking Bird' against anyone who can change this status quo. Can TM do something about it?

Rothschild family member told to Kimberly, "No matter what we build, they were going to take it over once it is completed." We can build any system, business, organization or project with the best purpose ever - they are going to take it over. That's their way of overtaking the earth." (The Synagogue of Satan)

Working in a country, we found out that such infiltrator through manipulation and gossiping had become a national leader. He did lots of evil. Damaged lots of guests. Stole a lot of money. When finally we understood he was infiltrated spy looks like a condition was set and all the secret files of such communist Agents were disclosed publicly. TV officially reported that all top positions in all Christian denominations were mostly such Agents.  

Just as now we can liberate the Central Evil Spirits that control people on earth as puppets to do evil, in a physical plane the elite central evil players on Satan side have also lost the protection keeping them in power. 

No Longer Untouchable

"The families who thought they could rule with impunity, the Paysaurs, Rothschilds, Rockefellers, and others, are no longer untouchable. They've orchestrated wars, manipulated economies, and trafficked in human lives. But their reign is ending." WTPNews

Every day, more revelations come to light. This isn't a fight for politics. 

Video: Epstein was also untouchable, serving the pedophile needs of this Satanic elite. He went down and now the saga continues with Diddy's Indictment, revealing the sex trafficking in the music industry, and how they were given fame.

"Celebrities and CEOs facing life in prison as Diddy's Pedophile Sex Ring is exposed." WTP News

You may think that all of this was done under Trump. But according to Najadi, Trump was arrested on September 13 for the same deeds, child trafficking and pedophilia, as you can read in detail below in this article. The question is, is the Trump Double we see now a face for the good guys or the bad guys?

Satanic Origins of Pedophilia and Human Trafficking

The false gods they worshipped and sacrificed to are nothing but cruel evil Demons who's reign is about to end.

We think that the free sex culture, promoting systematically homo, transgender with the aim of legalizing pedophilia is a new thing. No! We know its connection to the Human Fall. The addiction to pedophile rape and the roots of this child trafficking are very ancient and have deep Occult and spiritual origins. See, This War is Against Spiritual Beings

Tucker Carlson recently revealed explosive recordings allegedly showing Barack Obama, Bill Clinton, Joe Biden, Jeffrey Epstein, Prince Andrew, and other elites engaging in satanic child abuse rituals in a tunnel beneath the White House in 2008, Charlie Ward said.

They are doing the same rituals today, these rich and famous people, that they were doing in Babylon.

As David Icke said, "I started to realize that these people I was uncovering, in terms of this Global Cult, these famous people, millionaires and billionaires, were taking part in Satanic Rituals." (2151)

He couldn't understand, "Why they do it?" And then he researched the past, when that was done openly. They were sacrificing people, often children and virgins. But what did the 'gods' get out of this? Yes, all over the world, past civilizations were openly sacrificing people to their 'gods'. And later this all went underground, done in hidden. 

These entities, false gods, are feeding on low emotions. That's why they are sacrificing people. 

And then he found out that the 'gods' these famous people are sacrificing to are the same 'gods' the ancients were doing it to. "Different cultures and parts of the world had different names for these 'gods', but they are all the same entities. Not gods at all." 

"The nature of the rituals is designed to elicit maximum terror in the victim. And these entities are feeding on that terror. That's the offering to the gods."

"Imagine the low vibrational energy produced by the World Wars... Covid," Icke said. "They are feeding on fear." And the adrenaline in the blood is like a drug to these Cult members drinking it. 

These Satanic Rituals are to interact with these lower entities, when they create this energetic environment with these rituals. That's why this pedophile rape and torture. They make that connection and they draw off that child's energy.  

Why this rituals are so cruel, so inhuman? In this low frequency these entities appear, Icke explains. It's spiritual, but they can see them. It's information shift. Our senses translate the frequency information, and the brain decodes that as a reality. But when these hybrids shift to a non human field, connected to these demons, you can perceive their spiritual form. That's why you hear of 'shape-shifting' and 'portal opening' to another dimension during high level satanic rituals. See, THE BATTLE WITH DARKNESS

And as we explained in other CIG Reports, the elites ruling this world that we see are not the puppet musters, but just the lowest level front faces of the hierarchy of control developed under Lucifer. Read, NoT THE PUPPETS YOU SEE, SCRIPT WRITER PULLS THE STRINGS

As Kim explained:

"People in these programs even themselves don't realize, that there is a whole other hierarchy that existed on this planet - forever... That we, the average people know nothing about." Kymberly Goguen

"For most of these folks that are involved in this organization, we call the Order," Kim said, "their 'bible' is the 'Project Looking Glass.' They live by it." However, she explains, "by 2012 the people who had access to it knew, "the game is over."" See, Timelines Converge after 2012

Something happened in the Netherlands 
Royals and elites, killing for sport, investigated and fleeing for protection in Argentine, after the collapse of their stronghold in Ukraine

On August 28 flights were grounded in the Netherlands, network outage at Ministry of Defense, all air traffic was halted. [abc17news]

"We have learned from white hat sources that this is in fact a black hat operation to evacuate the Dutch royal family and many other top satanists to Patagonia. HM purchased a thousand miles of coastline in Patagonia and many of them now flee there and rely on Argentine President Javier Millay to provide them with protection." Fulford Report

The head of MI6 gave us the background by saying:

"The Dutch House of Orange Nassau is a satanic control center. The Queen of Holland was a monster. She was the head of a satanic cult called the Mothers of Darkness. We had it for mass crimes. Terrifying… Now they're on the run… She was perhaps the worst mass murderer since the late queen, but they had a club between them as playing cards… They kill for sport… The various Venetian black noble families often used their service staff for sex and sacrifices, usually some kind of sexual murder cult. Everything was controlled by the Vatican." Fulford Report

MI6 says the British royals' Balmoral Castle is now a crime scene being investigated by Police Scotland because of the annual human sacrifices carried out there. This, by the way, was personally confirmed to me by Dr. Michael van de Meer (real name Battenberg), first cousin of Queen Elizabeth II.

Video: The list of celebrities participating in the Diddy's parties... including Royals, like Prince William.

In the news, this investigation was reported as a gathering of British royals at Balmoral Castle on the last weekend of August. But the images of Charles and Camilla are obvious CG (computer graphics). 

Judy also reported that,

"In Dallas, major financial executives were caught attempting to fleet he country through covert channels. But the escape routes have been entirely compromised by the Quantum Financial System. Their money is frozen, their assets confiscated, and their backdoor channels blocked. It's checkmate, and they have no were to run." WTP News

Asian secret society sources confirm that the head of the Mothers of Darkness cult has surrendered and that a purge operation is underway in South America.

The Satanic Evil of Child Trafficking
Evil, demonic spirits knew how to addict the human elite through practices of torture, rape and cannibalism that they love, and used this process to make sure that they would comply

Alex Collier was shown how these Hybrid demonic creatures were eating human flesh after extreme torture. They knew how to control the elite, how to addict them through this process and to make sure that they would comply. (1)

Video: Ukraine Harvesting Children for VIP Elites. Hideous discoveries in Ukraine. Mell Gibson helped filming the reality:

In the picture below you can see the vast network of the Odesa's underground system and catacombs (stretching 2500 km). Ukraine was under Nazi custody for almost 100 years. Video, Nazi Underground Empire. "Hitler went underground two years before the end of the War and was commuting underground by submarine or train through an extensive underground network throughout Europe. He had 12 doubles, acting as Hitler."

Below you can see the vast tunnel network encompassing all of Ukraine. Local beauties were chosen and educated as real Germans. Today on the territory of Europe, Ukraine, Russia and the CIS countries, grandchildren from this breathing program are in power. This 'Lebensborn' program, was (1) to create a new race, which from 2012 will begin to displace all other inhabitants of the earth, and (2) raise a system of managers in whose hands the control will be shifted. In the period of 1950s till 1990s, it showed results. They spread out into the leadership all over the world.

"By the order of SS: children raised in the Lebensborn program came to power and control not only in financial institutions, but also in political and ideological positions throughout the world."

NATO has lost the war in Ukraine and that is the real reason so many satanic elites are fleeing to Patagonia. However, the Argentine embassy in Venezuela is already under siege for harboring criminals.

According to Russian FSB sources, this flight to Argentina was prompted by Russia's recent takeover of 11 CIA bases in Ukraine. The bases were “biolaboratories working with DNA, viruses, etc.” They said they also ended “a huge slave market for women and children and organ trafficking. See also, The Sound of Freedom: Expect Rapid Change

"In a recent success in the fight against child torture, Malaysian authorities last week rescued more than 400 children and arrested 171 adults, including Islamic religious teachers, in coordinated raids on 20 facilities in two states." Fulford

Underground Cleaning Operations: 
Gen. 6:6 speaks of the fallen angels relations with women that produced the demons of today 

Simon Parkes talks of a concerted effort in the last few years against the off planet entities (spiritual beings that usurped human bodies). "A whole range of non-human entities under the ocean and under the earth of this planet. That is the war that is taking place," he said. 

In the previous report we show you the maps with the underground military activities in Turkey, US, Latin Amerika and Africa, shown in this Video. Only at the beginning of 2024 was announced officially on the White House website that USA has been under Martial Law since before 2020. See, A GLOBAL DEFENSE WAR

Reportedly, the good guys already have 75% control over the Energy Weapons, yet the Deep State still has 25% control, and around the same percent control over the Weather Manipulation weapons.

Sources say, now Geneva has been cleaned out, and the operations have moved to all these tunnels that are under France, and some under Austria. The biggest operations are probably in Israel. 

Why Get Rid of the Deep State in Israel

Gene Decode explained why the White Hats want to get rid of the Deep State in Israel. "That is their fortress on earth. That is where they fight and rule from. They have massive Underground Tunnel Networks under there. The primary hub on earth is there. That is their fortress from which they rule. 

"They have most of the Deep State technology underground. More than the US, more than Europe. More than anywhere in the world, Israel is buried in a Deep State assets, tunnels, trafficking and laundering." (Video)

When asked if we are still fighting these satanic creatures underground, Najadi answered, "They are gone. We took Satan off Earth. All of them. Now we go for the remnants. The mopping up." Then he explained of the operations in Ukraine and now in Israel, to take down the strongholds of the Deep State.

"Gaza Strip was the largest, open air Concentration Camp in the history," Gene said. Israel's goal is to continue and continue, until every man, woman and child are dead. This was going on for years. Even during Trump's presidency.. How do you make the world wake up?

Hamas began in Egypt, from the Muslim Brotherhood, was funded by the Israel Government. Trained by MOSAD, to be the best Special Forces on earth. Simple: Infiltrate Gaza, provoke conflicts, excuse Israel's atrocities. 

Trump Arrested on 13 of September

Remember, Pascal Najadi was saying that the real Trump died 1988 somewhere. He declared that Trump should be arrested for pedophilia. On the other side, he says, "Trump is the War Time President now." and "Trump is a war hero." and US Space Force and this double of Trump are saving us. Very confusing. But here is the announcement:

According to statement released by Pascal Najadi, "Donald J. Trump, born Michael Rothschild has been arrested at Mar-a-Lago by US Military special operation under the command of the US Space Force." Epstein was Trump's friend. Trump was trafficking children. Trump was Casino maker, what do you expect. You can hear the full statement in the video below: 

"On September 13, 2024, 2.8 billion Jews and their offspring were exterminated by their own Covid Bio-Weapon injections, which we used against them. A simple strategic and brutal blow. Kill-switch in their soulless bodies was activated. Following this extermination, we, the US Space Force and the Global Military Alliance chose to raid and arrest D. J. Trump and many of his family members and associates... Their combined lobbying platform on behalf of the Rothschilds and Rockefellers began in 1988, using one of their own - Michael Rothschild. This is marking the end of Jewish oppression."

According to Najadi, "This War is Global... all territories are under our control." And also, "all station that you see... is scripted by us. Every day. The News Papers... mass media, they have to write what we tell them." (v1)

Is that video a psyop or contains some truth, we don't know. The only reports we get are of some attempts of mass killing. Some electronic devices, like mobile phones, were exploding in the middle east. Also we saw flooding in European countries. But is that a failed attempt for something, or we are in dark of things that actually happened?

Only after the Iranian missiles hit Israel, Fulford reported that thousands of Israelis were killed in those strikes, and that was not reported in the media at all.

Fulford commented, "We see the actor who is pretending to be Donald Trump, calling for obliteration of Iranian cities, and screaming Zionist war-mongoring stuff. Even worse than Kamala Harris."

On the other side, Kymberly is reporting of another spiritual process with the ushering of God's light in the recent days. Previously the satanic side had the abilities to create things like world wars, diseases, etc., but this is not actually functioning anymore, she says. They lost that access. 

As we light up, they also get a lot of Source life force. In result the evil nature within them started fighting back. So we see a lot of craziness in what's happening recently. 

It is so uncomfortable for them to try to keep their friend (demon inhabiting them), that they have to let it go. Kim estimates that 50% of these demons have left them, and in days should reach 70%. 

The bloodlines that have been infested for a long time with that demonic power, co-habitating with it, may not physically survive the exit of this powers, Kim said. And that's effecting most of all these Families, Black Nobilities, and what's left from the Order of the Dragon.

"Once we get closer to 100% or pass the 100% they are not gonna be able to hold on to that anymore. They more they try to hold on to it the sicker they get. They one infested for a long time may not physically make it... The system is now eating its own to survive." Kymberly (2)

Spiritual message from Lucifer 

In his recent spiritual message from Lucifer, published on 01.08.2024, he warned:
"Now everything has begun to move simultaneously on the subtle and physical planes, and now much depends on each awakened person. Every thought and emotion you have now works for either the Dark or the Light side of this struggle. Remember, do not feed those who wish for your destruction with your negative emotions." (3)

David Icke also explains correctly that the 'Reincarnation is a trap'. "We have to reach certain state of enlightenment to leave the weal of Samsara. Or as Kymberly calls it a 'Recycling Program," created by Satan to keep us still working for him. But he does not understand that 'state of awareness' is not the way. 

Only living the way of True Love and perfecting the Four Realms of Heart leads to true spiritual maturity. True Parents substantially have shown us this way. For the first time in history they have revealed 'God's painful heart', and that He is our Parent. Only they have revealed that God cannot create the ideal world. We have to fulfil our human portion of responsibility for that to be realized. 

Self love and self-awareness will not help that process at all. Selfishness pulls towards self, like a black-whole. It's Satan's way. Only forgetting ourselves and living for the sake of others, for the higher purpose, can bring us closer to God and to that ideal.

"The satanic world continues to break down. You just wait and see what happens. Individuals, families, tribes, races and nations in the satanic world have lost their purpose and direction. However, (we have) all the things necessary to move forward. Therefore, our direction is the opposite of Satan’s and our paths will one day intersect. In the past, we suffered under the rule of satanic dominion; however, things will reverse. This is what I mean by our settlement... The scope of the victorious realm embraces the dominion of the individual, family, people, nation, world, cosmos, and heaven and hell dominion. I have unified and liberated them allSatan has to retreat now." Sun Myung Moon

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